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Sitting around for hours, staring at a fire, and occasionally throwing some sticks into it has to be the most boring thing on Earth.  But that's what life had become on the island. If we wanted to get rescued, it was basically our only hope.

Today I was on fire duty with Simon, which was good. I liked Simon. I admired his intelligence, and connection with nature that he possessed at such a young age. He was always very kind to me, and he acted like a gentleman around me. This was a nice change, because many of the boys were extremely immature, which was exhausting to deal with.

"How'd you sleep last night, Blake?"

"Okay I guess. It took me a while to finally fall asleep, but once I did I was fine. How about you Si?"

"Alright. I like to wait to try and sleep until all the others have gone to bed, that way I can fall asleep to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore."

I just smiled at his innocent response.

"If you don't mind me asking, why'd it take you a while to fall asleep? Is there something on your mind you wanna talk about? Again, don't feel obligated to tell me anything, I'm just curious."

I let out a small sigh. I knew that Simon knew something was up last night. I mean I trust the kid more than probably anyone else on the island, and I have no one else to talk about my problems to. So what the heck? I want to tell him about what's been going on with Jack and I. Not the sex though, the innocent boy probably doesn't even know what that is yet. I wanna tell him about the bond I've formed with him.

"Well I wasn't completely honest with you last night. I did go on a walk to clear my head, but what I didn't tell you was I ran into Jack along the way."

Simon's face stayed the same, his facial expressions not changing in the slightest. It was refreshing, how nonjudgmental he was.

"The two of us have gotten pretty close over the weeks we've been here. I've been able to talk to him about my past, and my feelings that I've experienced on the island. I know that he's really shitty to the others on the island, which makes me feel bad about being so close with him. But it's so hard to resist him. He has a way with words, that some how calm me down, and make me crazy at the same time."

When I stopped rambling, Simon took a minute to take the information in. He then nodded and began. "I don't blame you. I mean, I can't. You've been offered this emotional support outlet, and you chose to accept it. Most people would. Being stranded on an island with basically no one to talk about feelings with is hard. I know. Everyone on the island knows. Don't judge yourself for accepting help when you need it most. At the end of the day we're all human, and we gotta do what we gotta do to stay sane."

I smiled at the boy's wise words. I wonder if he'd consider having rough beach sex an emotional support outlet?

It felt good knowing that someone wasn't totally against me hanging with Jack. But then again, it was Simon who was the most understanding person ever, and he did only know about the talking part, not the fucking part. Maybe if he did know about the sex, he wouldn't feel the same way. But I wasn't gonna let him find out. Or anyone else for that matter.

We talked through the rest of our shift, making the hours fly by. It was so easy to have a conversation with this boy, that it was easy to lose track to time when you talked with him. I hadn't even realized our shift was over until two boys named Pablo and Phil approached us to take over and start their shift.

"I'm gonna go on a nature walk," Simon told me.

Not wanting to interrupt his free time by offering to go with him, I simply nodded and replied with, "Okay, I'll see you later. I'm gonna go get some fruit I think."

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