[10] The letter

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"Thoma!? What are you doing here?" You jogged up to him as soon as you noticed him and his familiar voice.

Thoma, was also a childhood friend when you came to Inazuma, same friend group along with Yoimiya. You two were similar, having to leave where you originally were from and having to grow up in new environment, place and such.

The blonde smiled and held out his arms when you practically jumped up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. It was good to see him again after years of not being here. But after seeing him you wondered if he knew about.. Yoimiya.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, but I am glad that you are, it's been pretty hectic- Oh I see Itto is here too!" He noticed the man behind you and he waved at him. Itto came up beside you and nodded at the blonde, giving a thumbs up.

"Haven't seen you for a few months Thoma! You want to go a second round?" Itto grinned widely and raised a brow at the other male, as he flexed his arms showing his muscles.

Thoma then laughed on how enthusiastic the other was and raised both arms to rest behind his rest. His green eyes scanning the man and noticed he looked a tad different, "Sure! but did you get super buff and tall since the last time we've seen each other?"

"Oni side," he shrugged crossing his arms over his chest, "happened when... when, after I saw y/n here. Don't really know how or what triggered it." He explained while looking at you in his peripheral. You knew it was a lie, he had told you it happened right after taking you to Snezhnaya.

You nodded along and Thoma furrowed his brows but didn't question. The both of you caught up with what happened and he did, eventually, tell you that he does know what happened to Yoimiya.

He told you that he was walking around and after he then noticed a tombstone near the village. He was curious, but his guts wrenched when seeing the name of who it was.

Itto chimed in here and there but he was focusing on the surroundings more. The tall male walked off while you two were talking and went to check out the house, the house you and Yoimiya used to live at.

The roof of the house was half gone and the door was off it's hinges, only hanging on by the middle for dear life. When you were busy talking and laughing with the blonde, that was when you noticed Itto wasn't around.

"Itto!" You called out and turned around when he yelled back grabbing your attention. He motioned over for the two of you to come and pointed at the house behind him, only to stop and recognize that it was your house.

Thoma looked down and furrowed his brows when your eyes down-casted and there was a frown.

He and Itto looked at each other for a brief moment nodding as if they understood what to prepare for next. They didn't say a word but they stood close by when walking inside the now abandoned house.

There was still things here and there and when you turned the corner, being careful of where you were standing, you looked ahead at Yoimiya's door. Just standing still waiting that Yoimiya would just walk out of there, only to realize that she won't. And that you won't see her again.

She was the closest friend you had here. A sister and a best friend, who you've done so many dumb things together and getting in trouble a few times. You two were both different in different ways, but were so compatible and crazy together.

If you two were apart on missions, it was different and quiet when you were in groups with others. But the moment you two are paired up or in the same group, it would be chaotic and sometimes loud.

Yoimiya had the laugh that was contagious and now, you won't hear it again.

You sighed and turned away but it felt like something was pulling you back. You didn't want to go in there and feel like your invading, but something was just telling you to go and see.

When you walked closer and closer till you reached the doorknob, you felt eyes on you and knew who they belonged to. Without looking back, "don't worry guys I'm okay, I just need a moment here." And you opened and closed the door behind you.

The moment you walked inside you were immediately hit again with memories of her. You shook your head to get rid of them, taking a deep breath and began scanning the room without moving an inch.

It looked the same, just some of the roof had fallen in and so much dust around. There were posters on the wall of fireworks and you began walking around, looking and looking for anything that could have been for something for you to look at.

And when you finally landed your eyes on what it possibly could be, your chest tightened. There was a ripped and dried blood stained fingers on the letter, and you reached for it.

Confused as to why there was dried up blood on it, you took out the paper inside of the letter and when you did, Yoimiya's necklace slipped out.

I know we may never see each other again but, I want you to have this incase we don't see each other. You're like family to me and I hope that when you see this, you will find it in yourself to not feel guilty and to be happy. I love you, y/n, my other crazy half.

P.S. There's a note I left behind, good luck finding it!

Fuck. You weren't expecting it to be this sad. You're strong and in control with holding in your emotions, but to feel like you were hearing her voice when reading the letter... it felt like your throat tightened and tears were threatening to spill out.

Your shoulders were shaking and not from the signs of crying but of laughter. Laughter, because you two were real close, that she considered you as family.

You grinned at the letter and nodded to yourself to go and find that note she left behind.

When you put the letter inside your bag, you zipped it up. You went to look around the room for starters. After sometime and kind of trashing the place, you apologized to Yoimiya, wherever she was now, "probably having the time of her life with fireworks," you laughed to yourself.

The letter wasn't in her room. The guys outside were quietly talking when they stopped to see you approaching them. "Can you guys help me find a note? It's got to be around here."

Both nodded and asked what'd you find and you pointed down at your neck, revealing what was Yoimiya's necklace.

"Any idea where it could be?" Thoma asked and Itto was already off looking for it at the kitchen.

You shook your head and scratched the back of your neck, "not really. The letter Yoimiya left behind said she left a note behind and that was all."

Thoma looked at you and nodded to himself. "How about you check your room and Itto and I will stay in the living room and kitchen." And with that you all began the search.

If she were to leave behind a note, it could be something maybe only you could decipher and know.



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