--chapter eleven-- smiley faces

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The room is bright. I squint my eyes as I try to process what's going on. I turn to see an old computer on a familiar looking desk.

I walk over to the computer as it flickers on. George's face appears with a big smile.

"Hi" he says.

"George?" I say back, "What are you-"

"Today I'm going to be-" he says as if he didn't know I was here.

I glance down to see a smiley face mousepad. I know that mousepad.

What is Clay's desk doing here?

George continues to talk about something on the screen.

"George, what's going on?" I ask. Can he even hear me?

He stops as a big sound blares throughout the room. The lights behind him flicker different colors.

"Dream!" he cries out.

"What?" I ask the screen, honestly not thinking he can even hear me. I look around. I don't recognize the room I'm in now that my eyes have adjusted.

"Dream stop," he laughs some more.

Am I dreaming? Is George trying to tell me to wake up? The lights continue to flash all around me. George laughs and argues with someone, but I can't hear anything else.

"DREAM" George screams loudly.

I jolt myself awake as his scream startled me.

"Stop!" I hear George yell from the other room.

I roll my eyes. It was a dream.

I groggily stumble into the living room.

"What are you doing?" I ask George, who is sitting at his computer.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" he turns to face me, "I'm playing a game right now."

"It's the middle of the night, George." I sigh.

"Yeah but it's only like eleven in Florida."

I roll my eyes again, "Whatever, go to be soon, okay?" I turn to go back to my room before calling over my shoulder, "Tell Clay I said hi."

"Okay, I will," he turns in his chair to face his computer.

I look back to look at the desk. It looks different than the one in my dream. The mousepad was definitely Clay's.

I just don't understand the significance of it. Why was George in a computer? Why was George in Clay's computer?

I rub my eyes, not really in the spirit of decoding my dreams tonight. I just hope to find a peaceful sleep.

I'll figure out what the dream means later.

--the next day--

"y/n," someone in the far distance says.

I roll over to the other side of the bed. It feels cold, yet still comfortable.


I mumble something unintelligible as I bury myself into my covers.

"y/n, do you want pickles?" George asks again.

"What?" I groan.

"Do. you. Want. pickles?" he says slowly.

I sit up a little in bed. "Did you really just wake me up to ask if I wanted pickles?"

"Uh, yes?" he replies.

staying with a stranger / georgenotfound x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now