--chapter thirty three-- twins

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Sixteen hours. That's how long my sister has been in labor. It's officially a prolonged labor according to one of the hospital attendants. She should be done any minute now. Hopefully.

"You know," I say after a while, "We could've flown to and from London in the amount of time she's been in labor."

Clay thinks about it for a moment. "And hung out with people for like an hour almost."

I nod. "This baby sure is taking their damn time."

"You'll have to force them to apologize for the rest of their life." Nick laughs.

I laugh a little bit. The doors of the hospital swing open. Morgan walks over to us, slightly out of breath. She looks stunned.

We all stand up, knowing the only reason she would be here is if the baby was born.

"Everything okay?" I go to wrap my arm around her for comfort.

"Twins," she whispered. "We had twins."

"Oh my gosh!" I practically yell as I embrace her.

"That's amazing!" Clay and Nick fist bump each other. I try not to ruin the bro moment, but it was a little strange.

"Can we see them?" Nick asks. I can tell he's getting baby fever from watching all the babies come in and out. I'm going to have to get him to chill for a moment, so he doesn't go steal one or something. He's not exactly the person I would pin as the 'dad' type. I'd give it a couple decades for the maturity to kick in.

We follow Morgan to a room. We're quiet as we peek in Cora is sitting up straight with two babies in her arms.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper as I walk over.

"Meet Oakley and to be determined," Cora says.

I try not to laugh. They really weren't expecting a second baby at all. 

"To be determined? How thoughtful."

"We weren't ready with two names. We liked Oakley and that was it."

"What about Annie?" Nick jokes.

"Or Tyler," Clay adds.

I roll my eyes. Annie Oakley and Tyler Oakley. How clever, boys.

"We are not naming our babies after a sharpshooter or a youtuber," Morgan shakes her head.

"It was a good idea," Clay shrugs.

"We'll just save it for when we have kids," Nick nudges Clay. I'm not sure if he means them together or just having kids on their own.

"You have baby fever," I look at Nick.

"Me? What?"

Clay wheezes a bit. "He did point out and aw at every baby that passed us."

"Dear lord, don't have kids," Cora laughs, "You could babysit for free though."

"Would we have to pay for Nick's babysitter?" Morgan points out.

"Sorry Nick, I take that back," Cora changes her mind.

"I'm going to pretend you guys didn't just insult me." Nick coos at Oakley.

--time skip a little bit of time--

Nick and Clay leave a little later to get food for everyone. Morgan falls asleep on the little couch in the room. I'm holding a sleeping Oakley, and Cora is holding Remy, which is what they decided on for baby number two.

"I wish Mom was here," Cora breaks the comfortable silence we had been sitting in for a while.

"I know," I say quietly. Who knows where our mother is, probably hungover on a strange man's couch. "Dad is on his way, though. You know he's going to spoil the crap out of your babies."

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