Chapter 7

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*No copyright infringement is intended*

*The party*

Marinette:Ok.Ok.Here we go.*she throws a bunch of pillows out of the window then jumps*

*Marinette grabs her bag with her cloths then runs to the backyard in the back of the house*

Sabine:You heard that?

Tom:It's probably nothing


*With Marinette*

*Marinette runs to the car on the sidewalk*

Chloe:We'll that really was a scene

Marinette:Why thank you.

Alya:We'll she is a actress

*Marinette chuckles as Chloe drives to the party*

*At the party*

*Marinette drinks alcohol then Lila walks up then her*

Lila:How do you feel knowing that Adrien is my baby-daddy?

Chloe:What?You're pregnant?


Alya:And is that an accomplishment now?

Lila:Whatever.*she walks away*

Marinette:I'm going to go to the bathroom.

*Adrien sees Marinette then walks up to her*

*Marinette ignores him then goes to the backyard as Adrien follows*

Adrien:Well,now why are you ignoring me?

Marinette:I don't know.Maybe since you got Lila pregnant.


Marinette:Whatever.*she walks away then bumps into Austin*

Austin:We'll hello to you.Didn't expect to see you here.

Marinette:Same here.

*A girl walks up to Austin holding his hand*

Marinette:And I was just leaving.*she starts walking away*

Austin:Wait.*he follows her*

Austin:Not going to ask whose house this is?

Marinette:Whose house is this?

Austin:we'll mine

Marinette:We'll be proud.I'm pretty sure a applause is what you are looking for.

*Adrien listens to their conversation*

Austin:Let me take you somewhere.


*Adrien walks away*

*Austin takes her to a room*

Austin:Wanna get to know each other as coworkers of course?

*Marinette smiles*


Austin:Do you have any pets?I have 2.


Austin:Now guess the animals.

*Marinette giggles*

Marinette:A cat and dog

Austin:A hamster and a dog.Surprised?

Marinette:A little.*They stare at each other's eyes*

*Austin leans into Marinette and they kiss.He pulls her waist and marinette cups his face as they kiss more passionately,then Chloe screams, "Marinette!!!"*

Marinette:That's Chloe.Well I got to go and thanks for today you really cheered me up.*she grabs her bag then kisses his cheek*

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