Chapter 8

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*No copyright infringement intended*

*Just so you know Marinette is pan for further references*

*Back to the story*

*Marinette wakes up on a Sunday for the last day of her show*

Sabine: last day of work.Yay.

Marinette:then 3 more weeks til school is finally over.

Tom:It wasn't that bad.

Marinette:yeah.Well see you later.Bye!


*Marinette goes into Chloe's car*


Chloe:So we not going to talk about Austin.


Alya:Do you like him?

*Marinette nods*

Chloe:Cute.Well you'll see him in 30 seconds so get ready.

*Marinette rolls her eyes then gets out of the car*


Alya:Love you.

*Marinette blows a air kiss*

*On set*

Director:We are on the final day so today.The workers will just be editing.Working with you guys was great.You are all so talent people.Sad we have to part but I know we will meet again.You may say your goodbyes as the crew edits.

*Marinette and Austin walks up to each other then the director cuts them and hugs Marinette*

Director:I'll miss you so much.

*Marinette smiles*

Marinette:So will I.

*Austin clears his throat*

Director:Oh sorry.*she moves*

Austin:We'll I guess this is goodbye as we just started to get to know each other.You are one of the best people I have ever met.And I hope we can stay in contact and be friends.

Marinette:I'll like that.*they both chuckle then hug passionately*

*Austin grabs his bag then walks away*

*Marinette wipes a tear then gets her bag and leaves*

*A couple of weeks later*

*Marinette walks up to Adrien*

Marinette:Adrien you were one of my great friends when we were little and I want you to be my friend again.

Adrien:I would want that too.*They hug*

^The bell rings^

Teacher:So you have no summer break homework.I suggest that you have fun because next year will be junior year one of your most important years in high school.I hope that you all have a good summer.

*The bell rings*

*Everyone walks out to the campus and screams happily for summer break*

*How will this summer go for most full of drama or drama-free?*

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