Chapter 12

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*No copyright infringement intended*

*Marinette goes to the hospital to visit her*

*Marinette sits down on the chair*

Nurse:You're Marinette Dupain Cheng.


Nurse:Can I have a autograph?

*The doctor walks in*

Doctor:Not really the time Betty.Who are you here for?

Marinette:Bonnie Bennet.

Doctor:What are you to her?

Marinette:Her girlfriend.

Doctor: Ok,Come in.She has minor conditions but she is just sleeping now.

*They go to the room*

*Marinette stares at her,then holds her hand*

Marinette:I'm so sorry.I bet you don't want to be with me anymore.So I'll save you the trouble.

Bonnie:Did I just get broken up with on my death bed?*she smiles slightly*

Marinette:Bonnie!!*she laughs then cries*


Marinette:This is all my fault.Trouble follows me everywhere.

Bonnie:Good thing I'm a fan of trouble.

*Marinette smiles then kisses her forehead*

*A couple weeks later*

*Marinette goes to the hospital with flowers*

*Marinette walks in the room then sees Bonnie changing*

*Marinette puts the flowers down*

Marinette:Don't you think that is too soon?

*Bonnie gives her a quick kiss*

Bonnie:No the doctor released me.


Bonnie:Calm down.There is nothing to worry about.

Marinette:If you say so.

*Bonnie holds Marinette's hand*

*Marinette smiles*

*Marinette goes home then Bonnie starts kissing her neck*

Marinette:Wait!*she giggles,then turns on the lights*

*Tom and Sabine stare*

*Bonnie whispers*

Bonnie:Are they your parents?

*'Marinette whispers*


Bonnie:Great,first impression.*she whispers*

*Marinette runs to Sabine and Tom then hug them*

Marinette:Mom,Dad this is my girlfriend Bonnie.

Bonnie:So about our first impression.

*They sit on the couch*

Sabine:It's fine.

Tom:I mean we all had our days.

*Sabine rolls her eyes while Marinette laughs*

Sabine:Are you hungry?I'll make croissants.

Bonnie:I'll love some.

*They eat the croissants and get to know each other*

*Tom and Sabine get their bags ready to leave*

Sabine:Your girlfriend seems great honey.*they leave*

Bonnie:We'll that was embarrassing.

*Marinette laughs*

Marinette:Come on they loved you.

*Bonnie throws her pillow at her*

*They both laugh*

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