Chapter One: The Call

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Jack and Oliver were curled up on the couch, and if anyone wanted to see what complete feline contentment looked like, they'd just have to look into the window of Jack's apartment to see little Oliver purring and making happy kneading motions with her paws. Affection compelled him to decisively smooch her between the ears. The sound of purring increased.

Jack ruffled the fur right above her nose.

"Hello Miss Oliver Kitten. How are you today?"

He got some more contended purrs in response, and she tucked her head under his chin. He hummed, a little human sound of contentment, and rested his head on the side of the couch. He'd be quite happy to stay there forever, undisturbed.

The phone rang.

Oliver perked her ears up at the sound and bounded off towards it, as he groaned and hid his face in a pillow.

Grumbling, he swung his feet off the sofa and stared apprehensively at the phone. Back home he'd always hover uncertainty until a parent could handle it. That option wasn't available now.

Oliver was doing the same hover, he noticed with amusement as he walked to the phone.

Okay Jack, he thought. You can do this. This is just a phone call, it's fine.

It's fine.

No, it very much wasn't-

"Hi, this is Jack Thorn speaking?"

"Jackie!" He glanced at the phone, happy to hear the exuberant voice that had bubbled out of it. It was... Wild wasn't it?


"Hi! Me and Till wanted to ask you something."


"Yup! We're going on vacation to the old lighthouse, near the Saunton ocean side? And we'd really like for you to come with us.

There are rumours about mystical lights and beings who aren't of this world. It's wonderful, and we want to see if there's anything to it. We'd really like it if you were there!"

"Well it does sound lovely. I'd love to go but-"

"Great! Oh, there was a 'but'. Sorry."

Jack smiled and shook his head. "But, I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Well it's not intruding! We specifically asked for you. And we'd really like you to come with us, please. There's no pressure, but please say you'll come along."

Jack huffed out a laugh to himself. It was a bit mad but, well he did want to be more spontaneous this year.

"Alright then."

"Wondrous! We'll head off this weekend, bring your bathers! Oh, and do you have someone to take care of the cat?"

"Um... did I mention having a cat?"

"Well, no. But there were short black hairs on your jacket and your hair is more of a darkish brown and a bit longer. I found some hairs later on my jacket and I felt it, to make sure it wasn't that poor dog's hair you see.

It was very fine and cat hair is less coarse than dog hair and human hair, so I assumed you had a pet cat."

"Right. That's brilliant. And you remembered that?"

"Yes! And I bought a cat toy. I like animals. Give it to her for me."

"Her? How-"

"50-50 chance, more or less." Wild replied with a slight smugness. "I'll pick you up Friday afternoon, if that's alright. Till knows where you live."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Thank you! And see you soon. Bye Jack!"

"Bye- oh he hung up. My goodness." Jack said, putting down the phone and looking down at Oliver. She tilted her head at him.

"What have I gotten myself into, Miss? Hmm? What have I gotten myself into?" He added, in a slightly more apprehensive voice.

"Oh well... no point in worrying about it now. Let's get you some dinner."

Despite what he'd said, Jack did worry about it. He worried as he scooped a can of food into a bowl and set it down for Oliver. He worried as he fixed some dinner for himself, vegetables from yesterday, and he worried as he went to bed, Oliver curled up in his arms. She didn't have a worry in the world. Lucky cat.

He watched the lights from the cars below moving across his wall, and he thought. What if he made things awkward, hanging out with two well established friends? Any social interaction involving him was bound to be awkward, that was inevitable, but this encounter could prove to be particularly difficult. What if he wanted to go home? What if his landlord Mr. Ben, didn't want to take care of Oliver? Will Oliver miss him?

And what if Wild got to know him and realised that actually Jack was quite boring? His face twitched in a smile at the thought of him, and he let his gaze wander up to his spackled ceiling.

Wild was just mad, in the best way possible. He could light up a room by walking into it, literally a brilliant man. He was so much and Jack just felt like so much less. When would Wild look at him and realise what he was? Jack sighed and sniffed Oliver's fur. She smelled like cat, which was nice. Smelling cats probably shouldn't be one's past time when one has a cat allergy, Jack reasoned as he fished around for a handkerchief.

Ah well. He didn't let a little thing like having a cat allergy stop him from rescuing Oliver. He shouldn't let something like not having  a personality stop him from making friends. Wild's fun. Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.

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