Chapter 8:

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Trent did not need a second warning he was moving in the opposite direction, but trying to invite the SUV to follow him, but it seemed they had marked the rider they wanted, and were closing in on Samantha.

She smiled, dropped her visor and lowered her body with ease as she angled the bike underneath the lowering roller gate. Glancing in her rear view mirror, she saw Trent had made it out safely as well, but the SUV was accelerating at a deadly pace towards her.

Show time, let's go!

The factory yard was pretty small. Somebody had now locked the steel gate. Putting her feet on the ground, she stopped the bike and looked behind her as the SUV neared her, she zig zagged back towards the factory, towards the direction of two or three containers standing close to the fence of the factory. Samantha pumped the accelerator, took a deep breath and paced herself to land on one of the containers.

She saw Trent was at the gate firearm in his hand, he was going to shoot the lock off. It was too risky to go back to Trent, she would be riding to her death.

'Come back Sierra, the gate is opened,' Trent remarked.

'Go on out Trent, meet me at the back entrance of the quayside,' she instructed.

'Be careful Sierra,' he moaned reluctantly, as he saw her pick up speed, and expertly land on the one container.

Samantha hopped from one container to the next, as she neared the last container she heard a burst of gunfire and knew she was now in mortal danger. She had to scale that fence or die trying. Revving the engine, she gave it all she had and hoisted herself into the air, saying a silent prayer. She cleared the fence, but had to ensure she landed safely or without breaking any of her body parts.

She heard the SUV come to a screeching halt right at the fence, all four doors opened and gunfire from four rifles was  pursuing her.

She was still in the air when she decided it was a wiser choice to discard the bike and break her fall, before one of the bullets made contact with her spine. Releasing the handles, she threw herself in one direction as the bike eventually made a soft landing into the ocean, and she landed on her back, but rather unceremoniously on the gravel.

I live another day!

She winced as she tried to get up. She heard the bike draw up next to her and removed her helmet.

'I'm getting too old for this bull____, you know what!' Samantha groaned.

'I couldn't agree more!'

But that was not the voice of Trent.

Blake Tresscott!

It required nerves of steel, but she raised herself into a sitting position, without a single muscle on her face showing any sign of pain.

'So how many lives does this cat still have?' he questioned sternly kneeling down beside her.

His heart was still pumping wildly at the thought of any of the bullets accurately hitting its target, or worse any fatal injuries she could have sustained from her dare devil antics. Did this woman have any inclination of the anxiety she subjected his heart to? Something he never experienced in his adult life previously.

Samantha just gazed at the towering figure in front of her. 
What the hell was he doing here in the middle of a covert operation?

"Sierra, come in. Sierra do you copy?" she heard Trent's powerless voice in agony, "Sierra!"

Suddenly she was brought back to reality, 'Trent I'm alive, stop shouting!'

"Sam where the hell are you?" she heard Trent bark, concern resulting in him using her name.

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