He Craves Her,
Not Like An Addiction,
But Like An Obsession.
Who is the pure definition of an Angel.
Who is the pure definition of a Devil
One Smile Can Make Anyone's Heart Melt~
One Gaze Can Make Anyone's Heart Burn~
For Him...
Faint chirping of birds,golden rays of sunshine dewdrops over green grass,all signify a new inning. A beautiful morning tells in various beautiful ways...that everyday of our life is a new beginning.
Y/n Pov I started getting ready for the new day.
It was quite difficult for me these days cuz my aunt's words kept ringing in my mind"He will not leave you" And the most disturbing thing is I feel like someone is following me!
I shrugged off my thoughts and made my way to the bathroom.
Striping myself I looked at myself in the mirror and a sigh left my mouth as I saw the mark on my left arm given by a boy.
I don't remember much about him but I remember people calling him a psycho and telling me to stay away.The last day I saw him was when he killed a man who touched me inappropriately..
It was a horrible scar at that time now it is healed but still it is visible. The Scar
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I turned on the shower rinsing away all the negative thoughts that came in my mind and relaxed myself...
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Coming out of my apartment I locked the door and made my way to the hospital...
20 mins Later- I was going to my cabin when a man rushed to me and started yelling!!
Man1: You are a doctor right?? Y/n:Yes? Man1: THEN PLS SAVE MY WIFE AND MY CHILD!
I called the nurse to ask for the doctor cuz I am not a surgeon but I know a little..but the doctor hadn't arrived yet.
Man1:WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU BITCH! Y/n:S-sir Calm down its a hospital! Man1:I will kill you if something happens to my wife and my child!
He yelled and tried to come towards me but the bodyguards grabbed his arms as he wriggled in their grip.
I decided and went into the operation room to see his wife's pale face but she still had consciousness.
Wife:Ma'am pls don't cure me...I don't want to live p-pls(She spoke fear was visible in her eyes..I was shocked because of her statement.)
Y/n:B-but what happened?? Wife:(She looked around before speaking ) M-my husband! H-He is a m-monster.He r-raped m-me many times.I-I don't want t-thi-s child.I don't want t-that monster's flesh inside m-me.
My body frozed...I wanted to heal her because I am a doctor no matter what but her eyes,they were begging me.
I just looked at her.Slowly she was loosing her consciousness and a beep sound was made indicating that the poor soul has left this cruel world.
I removed the bloody gloves which was covered with her blood which was coming out of her slitted wrist I titillated her forehead and Then I heard the asshole screaming and stormed out of the operation theatre.
Y/n:Sorry We couldn't save her.. Man1:WHAT!WHAT ABOUT MY CHILD?? Y/n:I am sorry! (He yanked away the bodyguards and stormed towards me.He grabbed my throat and started choking me.I held onto his arms to remove them but I was loosing consciousness.I kicked his balls and ran towards the staff.
I consumed huge amounts of oxygen .The bodyguards pinned him down and the police was called.
They came and I told them each and every detail of the wife's confession and his monstrous acts.He was taken by them.
After that I ran out of the hospital but I roamed aimlessly.I didn't know.I was confused.That man was begging for his wife's life but did he really love her? I was angry and hurt.I felt like a murderer.
Negative thoughts started coming in my mind.I heard a glass cracking sound which broke the train of thoughts.I heard footsteps approaching me so I started running I rummaged through my bag to find the pepper spray but before I could use it,Something hitted the back of my head and I fell on the ground with a loud thud! ______________________________________ Meanwhile Somewhere
??: NO ONE CAN HARM MY BABYGIRL!! (A loud pitched scream echoed through the dark hall as a body fell on the ground with the head slashed from between.) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: To Be Continued.. Who is he?? Who is the villain?Can you guess it? What will happen next? Keep reading to find out! Please Vote And Comment. Love u❤