•T W E L V E•

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Rm: I have locked Y/n's room.She is sleeping right now along with her dog.

[Jungkook's heart was beating abnormally.It was as if he knew something bad was going to happen. Its not that he was scared but it was just a different sensation. He didn't knew why he was feeling like that.]

[He settled down on the sofa and drank a glass of water. Soon multiple Cars arrived at the entrance. The bodyguards opened the door and He entered.]

??:Long time no see brother....(He smirked)
[His friend. Jimin followed behind. There was something sinistic in their gazes. Jungkook took a sharp intake of breath.]

Jk:I said we will not be having a meeting today Mr.Kim. Then why are you here?

 Then why are you here?

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Taehyung:Hmmm.I am not here for a meeting kook.I am here to meet my "precious little Brother". Did I made a mistake? (He mocked)

Jk:Well.take a seat then.
[Taehyung and Jungkook both sat opposite to each other..The air around them turned suffocating. Both were screaming danger.]

Jungkook:So any particular reason? You came to Korea after a long time.

Taehyung:I don't need a reason to come in my own territory.. (He emphasised the word own)

Jungkook:You are mistaken hyung..This is my territory.

Taehyung:Well...will you tell me the reason of you not coming to the meeting today?
Jungkook:You don't need to know everything. (He said glaring)

Taehyung:Oh I see.Our Kookie has grown up a lot no?(He said chuckling while Jimin chuckled too.)

[Soon giggles were heard and Jungkook got stiff in his place. Namjoon and Jin got shocked and slowly looked at Jungkook.]

Y/n:Oh babyy..I missed youuuuu..hahaha. Stop l-licking my face whiskey! (Faint talking was heard. Jungkook's Jaw clenched. He leaned forward placing his elbows on his thighs)

 He leaned forward placing his elbows on his thighs)

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Taehyung:Our Jungkookie Got a girl hmm? (He laughed. His laugh was monstrous. It echoed in the whole mansion)
Jimin:Won't you introduce your gf to us? (He smirked)
Jungkook:Leave.(He said darkly glaring at Taehyung. His jaw clenched and his knuckled turned white due to the force he was putting on his closed hand.)

Taehyung:I wonder what you saw in her..(Jungkook pointed his gun at Taehyung.)
Jungkook:I said LEAVE!
Taehyung:Ok ok.I am leaving for now..You will attend the next meeting right? (Taehyung mocked him. Jungkook sighed)

[Taehyung started going out along with Jimin while scanning every door on the upper floor with his devilish grin. He went out and the door was closed.

Jungkook stormed towards Y/n's room. Opening the gate he saw Y/n playing with whiskey. She looked up with her doe like eyes and passed a small smile to him. He made his way towards her and sat beside him.]

[Whiskey started licking Jungkook while Jungkook flashed his bunny smile...while playing with her]
Y/n:She already likes you I guess...(She said with a faint smile)

(He said admiring her face..Y/n nodded. Whiskey again went towards Y/n and started playing with her..She laughed. Jungkook stared at her.He observed her every action.)

(How her eyes litted up in joy.. How her wavy hairs bounced. How her lips stretched.How she spoke.He was falling for her more hardly..

On the other hand, Y/n noticed how Jungkook was staring at her.She felt a tingling sensation in her chest. Jungkook slowly walked towards her while Y/n's expression changed.She became nervous. She walked back but got hit by the wall. He trapped her between his muscular arms and stared right into her eyes.)

His gaze travelled towards her lips and he started leaning in. Y/n placed a palm on his chest but did not push him. She closed her eyes when she felt him nearing. She felt a peck on her cheecks. She shot opened her eyes.

Jungkook:I will not kiss you on the lips until and unless you want me to.

(Her cheecks turned red in embarrasment.)
Jungkook:Good night...(He said lowly..Y/n only smiled a little in return.)
To be Continued....
A chapter before I leave.
Vote Karoooo!!

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