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She screamed her lungs out but that didn't effect the man a bit "Jungkook" He kept hitting her with that belt. She cried and cried and then fainted.
Jungkook panted heavily and said more like a whisper.

Jungkook:Hope u learnt a lesson~

He said and walked away slamming the door hardly. And here she was laying on the bed..her body was filled with belt marks,Tear stained cheeks.

The poor girl was in pain..It was too much for her. She for sure was strong but she couldn't fight against a man.She tried to sit up but a low painful scream left her mouth.

Her whole body ached. She was not the type of girl to give up.She with all her might sat up and stared at the moon

Her thoughts:Was slapping him a wrong decision? What have I ever done wrong that god is punishing me like this? Firstly my parents died and I can't even remember my childhood except some scenes which dug deep into my head..How will I escape?

Meanwhile in JJK Mansion :-

{Three men are sitting on the sofa..Wine glass in their hands..Their was so much tension in the air. Jungkook swirled the wine glass while the liquid moved up and down }

 Jungkook swirled the wine glass while the liquid moved up and down }

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Jin:Why did you bring that girl here?
(He received no answer...)
Rm:Don't Do something which you will regret later-

Jk:Will you both stop? I have always listened to myself and I will do that in future also.
(His jaw clenched as he spoke)

[The other 2 men sighed and made their way out of the room while the younger leaned his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes

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[The other 2 men sighed and made their way out of the room while the younger leaned his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

A smile appeared on his lips when her face flashed in his head..When he first saw her in the orphanage.]

When first time he had the urge to meet a girl

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When first time he had the urge to meet a girl.When he again wanted to see her.

But when they met,she slapped him which hurted his ego. No one dared to raise a hand on him before but she did.

A frown appeared on his face when her screams and tear stained face occupied his head and ears..He slammed the glass on the ground and hissed when a small piece of glass pierced through his skin.]

He made his way towards her room..He opened the gate slowly and saw her standing near the window.Seeing the visible belt marks on her milky white skin he felt pain in his heart.He slowly made his way towards her and surrounded his arms around her.She started panicking but he shushed her.

Y/n:Lea-ve me..I said L-leave ME!
JK:Shhh..If u don't want to be punished then shut your pretty mouth Hotlips.

Y/n Pov

{I stared out of the window looking at the bird couples who were lovingly sitting on a branch.

I never wanted something more than a happy life..But I have only felt pain until now. My chain of thoughts broke as I felt 2 arms sneaking around my waist I started panicking.

He asked me to shut up but I didn't stop.He said he will punish me again if I didn't stop...my whole body was aching and I didn't wanted more issues so I just stayed silent.}

Jk:I hope we could have met in some other circumstances...
Y/n:That wouldn't have changed your true self-
Jk:What do you mean by my true self hotlips?
(His grip tightened around my waist. I stayed silent and didn't answer anything.)

[After a little while I felt something wet around my waist area..I looked down and saw BLOOD! I started panicking the same visuals again started coming back to me.

Some black and white visions started filling my head..I saw a boy with a long knife,blood dripping from it.

Everything was blurry. He took predatory steps towards a woman after killing a man...He went dangerously close to her and raised his knife and BOOM- I fainted]
What are those visions about?
Can you guess the villain?
Sorry for updating soo late and sorry for my bad grammar..
Stay safe and happy~
-Author Pearlie♡

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