deserving of the last drop

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Requested by Niglie_Trollster

Ten more steps

if he could take ten more steps it would be over, but his legs wouldn't move

He tried to will them to work, but they wouldn't listen to his brain

Ten more steps and it would be over but it didn't appear he would be able to do it, instead, he dropped to the floor in pure exhaustion

he felt like he could lay there for the rest of his eternity, letting his headache engulf him whole

that was before a sound of swishing liquid and what he could only assume was ice cubs being dropped into a glass was heard just above

using the rest of his energy, he turned his head above where he saw an avian cat named husk holding a glass of orangy-brown liquid

looking closer husk seemed just as tired as Baxter felt, the cat's eye bags darker and somewhat paler

"come on, I know you need this just as much as I do" was all husk said as he handed the glass to Baxter's outstretched arm

and so with a sip, his energy rose enough to get himself to the bar in which husk lead him, pouring more liquor and about to start their daily ranting, only to be greeted with another face for the meeting

looking as she approached, Vaggie also seemed as tired with her droopy red eyes, but despite her seemingly saddened facial expression she still held an irritated glow

"just a beer tonight please," vaggie asked polity as she landed her head on the table of the bar

"you too huh?" husk muttered/questioned as he finished pouring the moth demon her drink

"when not, Satan if I didn't have charlie I'd have started drinking in the first hour" Vaggie replied as she snatched the glass out of husks claw and began to chug

Baxter simply hummed as he finished his bourbon, playing with the glass and wobbling it boredly

husk looking at the defeated demons decided that with the day the three had, perhaps it was time for something stronger

going below deck he checked if he still had it

"ah, there you are" husk whispered as he fished out his prize

"what have you found ?" Baxter asked with curiosity, standing on the edge of his seat to try and get a look, vaggie keeping close as it looked like he was going to fall off

"devil springs vodka" was all husk stated as he pulled out a nearly empty bottle of said alcohol

"80% alcohol" Baxter stated as he inspected the bottle

"yup" husk merely stated as he got out 3 tinier glasses

only as he began to pour did he see that it only filled one glass

the three simply stared at the glass, and then back to each other

"so I'll be having that" vaggie stated as she was about to reach for the glass, only for a claw to slap her hand away

"whoa, what do you think your doing, this is mine, I earnt this" husk growled

"how's that fair?! I have had it much worse than you today!" Vaggie pointed out with a scoff

"you?! have you seen what I had to put up with this evening, dealing with everyone's demands with wanting me to create easy fixes for their situations, every single second! If anyone deserves that vodka it's me" Baxter finally speaking up

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