
117 4 1

Requested by ratratratRATRATRATRAT and HazbinGoodSoFar

Warning- sexual assault

Baxter wandered through the shops of hell for new equipment

Charlie said it would do him some good to get out for fresh air

He didn't understand how it was fresher outside than inside his laboratory

Especially when the red sky was polluted with smoke, pollution and the smell of weed lingering every corner

Regardless he did as he was asked, hoping to get the princess off his back

So he went to his favourite area to shop

It always had new items that caught his interest

And since it was what other demons found "boring" it was quiet, less chance of being harassed

But that nothing was ever 100%

Just taking a moment to peer into the glass of the new display

He didn't notice an only slightly taller demon take interest in the little fish

"Well then, what's a cute little girl doing all alone?" A dark flirtatious voice asked behind Baxter

This made the scientist jump in his skin, looking around he saw a demon with a dangerous smirk on his face, a blue-ringed octopus demon to be exact

Baxter did not trust that smirk one bit and slowly began to reach into his lab coat

All residents in the hotel needed to carry a small radio so if anyone was in trouble Alastor would be informed immediately and just as quickly, help would come

"First of I'm not a girl and second, I'm not alone" Baxter stated, trying to keep confident to stall time

"Hmm, I'd love to test both those theories" the demon continued

Baxter was about to reach for one of his weapons, he wasn't that tall and he wasn't helpless, wanting to prove he could handle himself

Only Baxter suddenly began to feel woozy, feeling lightheaded and nausea

He felt his limbs feel heavy and shake as he began to sink slowly to the floor

"What...did you do to me?" Baxter asked as he struggled to breathe, forgetting his weapon and using the last piece of strength turn on the radio

"Just a little love bite" the blue-ringed octopus admitted as he indicated to his arms

They were tentacles Baxter noticed but they had teeth

The scientist didn't even feel the bite, but now he felt the full effect

Baxter sunk to the floor, unable to move his limbs

"Don't worry baby, this is going to be very enjoyable" The Octopus laughed as he began to strip the fish

Baxter cried as he tried to move, but he couldn't, to make it worse another tentacle covered his mouth to stop him from screaming

Not that it would do anything

This happened all the time in hell, he even saw demons look and then look away like it was normal

"Oh!" The evil demon let out

Baxter's favourite lab coat was ripped and ruined

Revealing Baxter's chest where two symmetrical gills lay underneath his chest plate

"My apologies sir seems I was wrong," the octopus said with surprise before continuing his devilish act

"Not that it matters, but then again, there are more ways to tell" he finished touching the chest and about to continue with the pants

Baxter closed his eyes, he couldn't bare to see himself being molested

Only there was a gasp of pain and wet droplets splattering on his face

Looking up hesitantly he saw the demons head being impaled by an angels spear

The octopus's body stood still before it collapsed next to Baxter

Baxter stared in shock as the octopus died in cold blood

Looking up slowly he saw a very enraged vaggie and Alastor

"Oh oh gracias a dios de mierda Baxter" Vaggie cried as she rushed to the little fishes side whilst Alastor created a portal to dispose of the rotten demon

"Thank goodness we got to you before he could do anything, such revolting acts and within such a nice part of hell too" Alastor sighed in disappointment and lingering rage

"Where are you hurt can you walk?" Vaggie asked when she noticed that Baxter made no movement

"He paralysed me...I can't move" Baxter admitted dizzily, still finding it hard to concentrate, the adrenaline was all that was keeping him awake, but as he saw the two familiar demons, he couldn't help but feel safer

"Sick bastard!" Vaggie spat in rage, holding her weapon tightly

Baxter felt cold, and only then did he remember he was exposed

"Could rebutton my best as possible" Baxter asked weakly, face burning with shame

He hated his chest

It was a painful reminder of his past and how people used to tease him

He only kept the esca because it proved its usefulness but his chest would never change, he transitioned when he was alive and the curse carried on with him in hell

But when he was surrounded by the Hazbin crew he forgot it only for a split second

He wouldn't admit it but he trusted them about his secret

Because when it came to sensitive topics they were understanding

"Oh of course," Vaggie said sympathetically as she began to put the coat back on

"We are extremely sorry we were not here sooner, the terrible signal here you see" Alastor apologised and even through his sadistic nature he did seem sorry

"It's hell, it happens, the reason why I don't get out," Baxter said sighed

"That and your bad social anxiety" Vaggie commented trying to get their minds of what had almost happened

"Can't disagree with that" Baxter sighed with a tiny amount of amusement

"Let us get out of here shall we" Alastor suggested as he walked to the fish and picked him up

Both didn't like being touched but the difference has Alastor loved hugging and touching others but not the other way

And Baxter liked neither

So Alastor picking Baxter up wasn't too much of a shock, but Baxter not screaming was different

Vaggie suspected that since the little fish had no other way of moving and wasn't able to feel anything, he simply grinned and bared it

"Seems that octopus was a failure, the real species could kill The venom can kill more than 20 humans in just a few minutes, so it's most likely it'll just wear off on its own" Alastor informed with a smile

Earning two concerned faces to appear on the other demons faces

"Hmm, interesting, where exactly dis you send that demons remain?"

"Baxter you are not stealing the guys remains," Vaggie said tiredly

"It's not like he's using them" Baxter argued

Vaggie rubbed her temple

(Great, there's two of them now) the grey moth demon said to herself as the two other demons talked about Alastors portals and if Baxter could use them for his research

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