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Saiki K Pov:

i was currently waiting for y/n in my room until i heard my mom calling me downstairs

"ku!y/n's here for you!!" my mother said which made me relieved because i would've teleported if she didn't tell me

"hey saiki" y/n said giving me a awkward smile as my mother was hugging her

"mom let her go,come on y/n" i said looking at my mother then to y/n who was walking over to me

timeskip to saiki's room:
saiki k pov:

"i have notes just copy this" i said as y/n nodded intently

i was just staring as she wrote down everything perfectly in her clear handwriting i was staring at her as she wrote down my notes

"ku!come down here" my mother called me from downstairs

"wait here"i said as y/n nodded


i groaned to my parents which got their attention then i saw a litteral godsend 'COFFEE JELLY' i said in my head

my eyes widened "here ku these are for you and y/n" my mom said handing me the coffee jellies

my eyes widened "here ku these are for you and y/n" my mom said handing me the coffee jellies

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Imagine this as the coffee jellies*

"hm"i said as a response and went back to upstairs

i opened my door to meet y/n laying in my bed staring at the ceiling

"my mom gave us coffee jellies" i said grabbing her attention

"oh say thank you for her from me" y/n said taking on of the coffee jellies and taking a bite before saying "mmm!"

she reacted happily which made me gave a small smile "wow.." y/n said amazed "huh?" i said not knowing what she meant

"you should smile more!!you look cute!" she said which made blush rush to my face

y/n giggled at my actions and continued to eat her coffee jelly as i was trying to find out why i was suddenly feeling like this 'its just admiration..yea admiration' i said over and over until a y/n started talking

"saiki you ok?"y/n said worriedly "im fine..did you understand the notes?" i asked worried that she wasn't able to read it correctly

"yea i understood^^" y/n said giving me a soft smile which made my heart flutter for some reason

"i have to go i'll see you tomorrow saiki^^" y/n said as she headed to the door

"see you" i said as she walked out

"ugh" i said as i plopped my body to my bed

"whats wrong with me?" i said burying my head into my pillow

(a/n=sorry if its bad qwq.)

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now