chapter 16

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Harry pov

I'm fighting all of Ben's guards , I know that I can't beat them but I need to try for my family and friends . While I was fighting them an arrow suddenly shoot into one of Ben's guard in the chest , I look over on where the arrow came from and I saw Adam , Belle and the whole kingdom , " Guards , protect your new king queen and thier friends and remember to catch Ben ! " Adam shouted and all of the guards staters fighting off Ben's guards . While I was free I turn my head to Jay " Jay , take the antidote and give it to Evie and Aubrey ! Over there ! " I said pointing to the table next to me . After I had make sure that they are okay , I run to Mal " Hey , princess . I'm here don't worry , you're safe . " I said softly while untying the ropes . After I done untying the ropes I carry her brytal style and take her to the limo , I put her in the back seat but before I went in I turn to Adam and Belle " Hey um when me and Mal head to the hospital can you make sure that everyone goes back to the school safely and when you're at it can please take Evie and Aubrey to fairy godmother to make sure that the poison is out of there system ? " They smile " Of course we can . You just go to the hospital with your girlfriend and take care of her , we have it under control , don't worry . " Belle said and I thanks them and I went into the limo . " Takes us to the hospital please and fast . " I said to the driver .

In the car
I slowly puts Mal's head on my lap to make her feel a bit more comfortable when suddenly she scream " AHHHHH " so I slowly put my hand on her shomach and rubbed it while my other hand stroke her hair " Hey it's ok , princess . We're almost at the hospital ok ? Just hang in there for a bit longer for me ok ? " She started to sweat and shaking " H-Hooky i-it h-hurt . I'm s-scared I d-dont want a-anything to h-happend . " After hearing her words i try to hold my tears " I know , princess . Just a while more and the pain will be gone . " She nodded . After a while we finally reach the hospital . I carry her and run in " Please help ! My girlfriend is pregnant and she's bleeding ! Please ! " A few doctor came and push a bed towards me , I gently put Mal on the bed and they push her to the operation room . The nurse said I must wait outside so I did , I look over at my arm is cover in Mal's blood so I go to the bathroom to wash it . After I had done washing it I look at the mirror and started crying " It's all my fault ! " I scream . After about an hour the doctor finally came out I quickly ran to him " How is she ? Please tell me she fine ! A-and the b-baby . " The doctor look at me and I can see that there is something going on . " Your majesty , this is not easy to said but I think it's better when you and queen Mal hear it together . " I have no time to argue so I just nodded my head . I know is something serious I thought . " Is room 483 , I will be there in a minute . " I nodded and went to room 483 . When I open the door , I quickly ran towards her and hug her very tightly , I pull back " Princess , I'm so so so so so sorry . I make you a promise and I broke it again , I swear I will never promise you anything that I know that I can't keep . And now you and our friends suffer because of me , if I hadn't broke the promise you will never end up here again . I'm so sorry princess . " I said crying .

Mal pov
When Harry said that it makes me cry cause I know is not Harry fault , it was all Ben's . When Harry cry in front of me I feel bad , I gently lift his head by his chin to look at me and I cupped his face I look into his blue ocean eyes " It's not your fault , again it is Ben's fault . And no matter how much promise you'll break I still love you no matter what happens  , nothing and I mean NOTHING can make me stop loving you . I love you , Hooky . Please don't forget that . " He chuckled a bit and he lean into my hand " How can I forget that the most beautiful , kind , brave and gorgeous girl said ' I love you ' to me ? I will always remember that and I love you . " He said and kiss me softly I smile " So what did the doctor said ? " I ask and his face suddenly change and I know there is something wrong " W-what's wrong ? " I ask again and there is tears in his eyes again " The doctor said it will be better if we both hear it together . " I nodded and I'm very worried what if something happened to our baby ? Harry sat beside me and I slowly put my head in his shoulder when the doctor came in with a not happy look on his face " Your majesty , I'm sorry but I got bad news . " He said I look at Harry and he had a  worried look on his face too he look back at me and squeeze my hand and I put my other hand on top of it " What is it ? " Harry ask and the doctor continue " Well it's not easy but I'm sorry your majesty but one of your baby could not make it . " And I started to cry Harry hug me and I cry into his shirt and I know he is crying too but Harry pull back and I just lay my head on his shoulder still crying " Wait wait wait , what do you mean by ' one of our baby ' ? " Harry ask " Her majesty is carrying twins , did you not know ? " Me and Harry was shocked and we shake our heads " Our doctor didn't tell us . " I said while still trying to process everything the doctor just nodded his head " Maybe it's because you're just 5 weeks cause twins is not so early to found out and one of your baby is safe but it's very unstable so try not to stress so must cause if you do you could have a miscarriage very easily . " Me and Harry just nodded and thank the doctor , the doctor nodded and leave the room . " It's my fault ! I shouldn't let that monster take you ! Now one of our little pirate is not here and it's all my fault ! " Harry shouted and he stand up to punch the wall until his knuckles bleed , I quickly stand up and stop him " Hooky stop . It's not your fault how many time should I said this ? And please whenever you're angry just please try to control your anger and don't punch everything that you see could make your knuckle bleed . And when this baby is born I don't want you lose control just try to use your words cause I don't want our baby being scared of his own father . " I said while removing his fist from the wall . " He sigh " I'm sorry . I'm just very angry at that jerk for killing one of our baby . And I feel like it's all my fault for not protecting you and our friends . " I nodded in understanding and I grab his hand into mine . " I know that you're angry and sad I am too but anger won't solve any problems . Just please try to control your anger , please ? For me ? " I said giving him my puppy eyes cause I know he couldn't resist it " Aw come on dont do this to me , you know I can't resist your cute little puppy eyes . Alright fine I do it for you and our baby but that's it . " I smile " Thank you . " He chuckled " Now lets get you back on the bed , you really shouldn't get up when you just finish having an operation . " He said and carry me brytal style and gendly put me on the bed , I giggled . When he sits besides me I put his hand on my shomach he smile and bent down to kiss it . I laughed " I love you . " He said and I smile " I love you more . "

Chapter 16 is here ! Sorry it took so long to update , I just need to catch up with my school work anyway enjoy ! 💗💗💗

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