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Hii! So before I start this story I do wanna give a quick warning!! Towards the middle of the story some topics come up and things happen that may upset some readers , so please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!⚠️⚠️

Enjoy the story❤️

"What am I gonna do without her"

(Brielynn) (present day)

"Brandon I'm back" I smile as I walk into my boyfriends room. "Took you long enough" he walks up to me "you're the one that wanted food" I say "you know you got something for yourself too" he knows me to well "it was either that or I'll just eat your food so I decided to be nice and get my own"

He chuckles "thanks" we sit down and take our food out "I'm going to this party with Ansley this next Friday" I tell him "where?" He ask "one of her friends are throwing a party at their house and she wants me to come" I tell him "do you wanna go" he questions "yeah , it'll be fun" I nod. "Mhm" he hums in response "what Brandon?"

He shrugs "I'm not a little girl going to a grown up party , I can handle myself" I say "I know you can , but I like when I'm with you" he says and I scoot closer to him before kissing his cheek "come to the party with me then" I smile "I would , I would but I cant" he says "why is that" I ask "the boys and I have to get up early the next morning for meetings"

I sigh "business huh?" I smile "top secret" he jokes "but I would I come if I could" he tells me

"I know but I'll be fine , I'll call you every hour if it makes you feel better" I smile "every 30 minutes and you got a deal" he looks at me "deal" we settle the deal with a kiss before going back to our food.

Pause! Let me give you the info. My name is Brielynn Freed. I am 20 years old. An influencer if that's what you wanna call me. I model , do advertisements, sell things all that. Been doing it ever since I graduated high school 3 years ago. I've lived in La my whole life. Born and raised by my parents. Plus my 2 older brothers JJ(23)  and Jordan(25)

Brandon and I have been dating for a little over 3 years. We met a couple months after I graduated. We met at one evening , downtown LA. Pouring down rain when he offered me his umbrella.

(Flashback 2018) 

Im currently looking out the window as I'm in one the stores. It's pouring down rain and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop anytime soon. I do have to hurry up and get home to finish these videos and they have to be in by 6:30 and it's 5:30. But I really don't wanna get soaked from the rain. I step out the store and stand under the small roof hanging over the store. These shoes aren't good to run in either.

Just my luck I had to park kinda far down the parking lot. "Can you stop raining for just 2 minutes" I say out loud. I sigh in frustration with the rain and myself. "Need a little help" I look to my right to see a guy with glasses and black curly hair. Pretty cute if you ask me.

"Help?" I question "trying get to your car" he says "I can walk on my own" I say and he chuckles "I mean with the rain , I can walk you over under my umbrella" he tells me "oh" I say kinda feel bad I was a bit rude. "Unless you wanna get soaked , up to you" he smiles "well since you offered" I shrug

He puts the umbrella over both of us "fair warning my car is kinda far down the parking lot" I say "well gives me more time to talk to you" he says and we start walking "so what's your name" he ask "Brielynn" I answer "yours" I question "Brandon" he smiles "nice to meet you" I say and he says the same "live around here" he ask

"Sorta, I recently got a house in (whatever place)" i let him know "I live about 10 minutes away from there" he says "well me and 4 other boys" he adds "5 boys in one house?" I question "well we're in a band so we live together" he tells me "a band? You sing or something?" I ask and he nods "sing"

I wonder if he's any good "you good at it" I ask "I'd say I am pretty good" he chuckles "I'll have to sing for you some time" he says "are you saying I'll see you again" I ask and he smiles "that's if you give me your number" he says just as we reach my car. With the umbrella still over me I put my bags in the trunk. "Well then I'll give you my number"

He hands me his phone "thank you ... Brandon" I thank him "if it wasn't for you I might have had to run then I might have slipped" I say and he laugh "anytime" he says as I get in my car "you carry umbrellas everywhere for many of girls huh?" I joke "nope, but this time I just so happen to see a beautiful girl telling the rain to stop for 2 minutes"

I giggle "so you heard that" I ask and he nods "thank you again" I start my car "your welcome and I'll call you" he tells "and I might answer"

Then 2 months later he asked me to be girlfriend and it's been 3 years with "umbrella guy"

Then I met the boys and we all become best friends. I love the boys like their my brothers.

"What are you thinking so hard about" he ask "you umbrella guy" I look at him "good thing I was there with my umbrella, you would have slipped" he and says and I laugh "speaking of slipping I wanna wear my new heels to the party but they make me walk funny" I say

"What are you gonna wear?" He ask "I'm not sure yet" I answer "I'll pick your outfit out" he looks at me "I'm not wearing a hoodie and sweatpants to the party" I giggle "fine, but you would look gorgeous regardless" he smiles "you're making me blush and I don't like it" I push him lightly before there's a knock at the bedroom door "come in"

The door opens "I knew I heard you in here" Edwin smiles and I wave "Brandon if you don't mind I'm gonna steal your girlfriend for a bit" he grabs my arm "why" Brandon ask "because" I follow Edwin out of the room and downstairs where the other 3 boys stand "hi boys" I wave "Edwin dragged me down here there must be something you guys want"

They shake their heads "well" Zion goes to say "just listen" he adds "as you know or should know , Brandon's birthday is in 3 weeks and we wanna throw a surprise party" Nick says "that sounds amazing but you know Brandon hates surprises"
They nod "but he'll love this one , especially since you're throwing it" Austin says "me?!"

I look at them all "we don't know how to do that" Zion says "how about we all do it" I suggest "yeah we can do that" Edwin says "Brandon is gonna have the best birthday ever" Nick says "so we'll talk about this more tomorrow and then we will start planning" I smile "This is exciting, but we all have to keep our mouths shut" we all look at Edwin

"What" he ask "you have to! You suck at keeping secrets" I say "I won't say anything promise" he promises "okay I'm gonna go back to Brandon before he gets curious" I giggle before walking back upstairs into Brandon's room "so what was that about" Brandon ask "oh nothing" I lay next to him "tell me" he says "nope my mouth is shut"

I pretend to zip my mouth shut "I'll just ask Edwin , he can't keep a secret" he says "don't pressure him now , you know he ain't good with that" I giggle "exactly" he pulls me closer "I love you" he says "I love you too" I smile "you remember the first time we said I love you" I ask "nope" he says and I gasp "you don't?" I question "I'm just messing with you , I do remember" he says

"We said it at the same time" he says "perfect because I remember being so scared you didn't feel the same way" I say "and I did" he places a peck on my nose "you have a birthday in 3 weeks" I smile "I know I do" he nods "excited" I ask "yeah I am" he answers "you're gonna have a great birthday"

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