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"You are a cheater" I look at Nick as we play Mario cart racing "girl you just suck at the game" he says "hey be nice to my girl" Brandon walks downstairs and says "yeah be nice to me" I roll my eyes at Nick "I don't wanna play anymore" I put the remote down "Brie you a sore loser"

I shake my head "I just don't like playing with cheaters" I cross my arms and walk over to Brandon sitting at the dining room table. I wrap my arms around his neck from behind. "What chu doin" I ask as he does some things on his laptop "looking for some new shoes" he kisses my hand and continues to look "I need to get home"

He turns around "why you wanna leave me" he ask "I have to go feed Luna" I tell him "that cat don't like me" he says "she loves you stop it, I've literally had her since we started dating" I say "she be scratching me" his eyes widened as he says "when you play with her she scratches on accident"

He shakes his head "well you go feed Luna and come back" he puts his attention back to his laptop "no , i wanna stay home , come with me please" I grab his hand "how could I say no" he stands up "im leaving and taking Brandon with me" I tell the boys "you always take him from us" Edwin jokes "sorry he loves me more than you guys" I shrug

"Plus Luna gotta eat" I say "why don't you just bring her here" Nick ask "you know she don't like simba" I say "simba be tryin holla at her" Zion smiles "and Luna ain't wit it" I laugh "but don't worry I shall return Brandon later" I grab my purse

We say our goodbyes before Brandon and I get go outside and get into my car "wanna go shopping after I give Luna her food" I ask "for?" He ask "does it matter?" I question "no but still" he shrugs "I need a outfit for the party next Friday" I start the car "oh yeah I'll pick your outfit"

I shake my head "no sir , I'll pick the outfits and I'll ask for your opinion" I smile "I guess"

After stopping at my house we now have walked into the store full of outfits I get to pick from for this party. "Look how pretty" I run my fingers down one the dresses "I like the color" he looks at it "what about this" he ask and I look "seriously?" I ask "what?" He ask "it's a no"

We look around for a bit and I grab a couple outfits to try on "alright come with me" I grab his hand we go over to the fitting rooms "you sit here and I'll go try outfit 1 on" I smile and he kisses my lips "I'll be ready" he says before I walk into the room.

I look in the mirror at outfit one just a tight red top with a matching short skirt. I walk out "so?" He looks up "you look really good" he runs his hand down the sides of my body "but don't you think it's to tight" he ask "Brandon" I roll my eyes "what , I'm sorry I get jealous"

I sigh "don't be like this for every outfit" I put my hands on my hips "I won't" he puts his hands up before I walk back in to the fitting room.

I come out with outfit number 4 "that's very revealing" he nods "oh my gosh babe" I whine "okay okay I'm sorry" he apologizes "you look amazing in them all, you can pick which to wear" he leans back onto the wall.

I come out with outfit number 4 "that's very revealing" he nods "oh my gosh babe" I whine "okay okay I'm sorry" he apologizes "you look amazing in them all, you can pick which to wear" he leans back onto the wall

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"I'm gonna do the two piece tan outfit" I say before grabbing it and walking out the fitting room area "I liked that one" he puts his arm around me as we reach the cash register so I can pay for my stuff.

"Lucky for me they go with my new heels" I say "didn't you say they make you walk funny" he questions "I can deal with it" I say and he chuckles before he grabs my bag and we walk out "wanna go get food" I smile "sure where do you wanna go"

After going somewhere to eat we get back to his place and walk up to his room even though I'm literally about to leave "I had a good day with you" I wrap my arms around his neck "I did too" he gives me a quick peck "to bad you're leaving" he says "well I have a home to get to" I smile "I wish we could just see each 24/7" he says

"We've had this talk before , we been dating for 3 years , don't you think we should live together?" I ask "of course I wanna live with you , that's why I told you to move in" he says "that's not what I mean" I shake my head "I mean just you and I" I look at him "if I move out it might effect the band"

I tilt my head "we aren't moving to another state , you can move in with me and I live 10 minutes away" I say "I don't wanna live with 5 boys . No offense to them but I just like when's just us" I tell him "I know and I do to but like you said you live 10 minutes away so we can still just switch between houses" he says and I sigh "okay" I break apart from him "don't be like that"

I grab my bag "I'm not being like anything" I say "yeah you are" he says "I have to go to my home and you will stay here at your home" i tell him "Brie" he sighs "listen I do wanna live with you , it's just the band-" I cut him off "I get it Brandon" I look at him "I have to go" I go to his door

"You're gonna leave without a goodbye kiss and you didn't even tell me you love me" he says "sorry , I love you" I open his door "no kiss?" He ask "no" I go to leave before he pulls me back. He puts his hands on each side of my face and kisses me. Obviously I kiss back I mean what the hell.

We break apart "stop acting like that , please" he smiles "well you always bring up the topic and then shut it down" I throw my hands up "it will happen just not now" he kisses my forehead "I love you" he says "I love you too"

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