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"Okay , we will be there in about 30 minutes" I tell him as I begin to drive to the party "30?" He questions "yes 30" I nod "don't worry , it'll go fast" I add on "lemme turn this radio up and we'll be good" he leans forward and turns it up a bit.
"What are we gonna do after what ever this is?"

My heart skips a beat but not in a good way. I lower my head as we reach a red light "Brie . What just happened to you?" He ask "nothing" I answer "do you not know what we are doing , we can just go and spend the night at your house" he says "well, honestly Brandon , we can just go to our own homes" I say "like you're gonna drop me home and then you'll going home?"

I nod "really babe? I thought we would have stay together the whole night for my birthday" he says "I'm sorry Brandon" I apologize. He puts his hands on my knee "don't worry about it , cause where ever we go right now is gonna be the highlight of my day" he smiles "I really hope so"

I feel so bad for not spending the rest of the night without him on his birthday but he can't be with me tonight or the morning.

(Third person)

Now at the party where the boys and many many of them and Brandon's friends are. The boys have been making sure everything was right for when Brie brings Brandon. They are actually very proud of themselves for doing something. Even though they might have needed Brielynn's help for 97% of the things , they still did something.

Just like Brie the boys were so excited for this surprise party. They are getting very impatient. They just wanna yell surprise and have a great time.
Every now and then they go to each table and straighten out the table cloth or make sure the center piece is actually centered. Anything to make time go by faster even if it's not much time.

"Brie texted me!" Edwin walks over to the 3 boys "what she say" Nick ask as the 4 of them crowd over the phone "we just left" Edwin reads from his phone "Finally" Austin sighs "dang man she sent that like 15 minutes ago" Zion says "oh" Edwin says

"now we gotta wait 15 minutes" Nick says "hopefully it'll go fast" Zion shrugs "I'm tryin get this party started already" he adds "the party looks great if you ask me" Edwin says "it does , we did a fantastic job" Nick nods "well brie did a fantastic job" Austin says "we all did stuff" Zion says "yeah but if it wasn't for her , the party wouldn't be like this" Austin looks at the boys "you're right but we picked some stuff out" Nick says

"We picked great stuff out"

Now back with Brielynn and Brandon. They were about 15 minutes away. Yes Brie wanted time to go fast but she also wanted it to slow down. She didn't want this day to end knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow. I mean was she really gonna do it?
She says she made up her mind. Brielynn's mind is trying to put her attention to Brandon but she can't.

"We almost there?" Brandon ask Brie "in 13 minutes" she looks at her gps. She's been to this place many of time in the last month almost but she still can't ever remember how to get there. "I'm excited" he rubs his hands together before the two of them look at each other "I'm excited for you"

She looks over at him as she stops at a red light. Brie knows what's she gonna do is hurt Brandon. However she can't live with herself knowing what happened. She hopes can accept it and not be stuck for to long. She wants him to be happy. I mean yeah they are both so incredibly happy together but every time she's around Brandon , Brie just thinks of the party night. She feels so guilty.

Right now In this moment Brie feels Brandon deserves someone better than her. Brielynn feels that she doesn't deserve Brandon. He should find better and be even more happy. This party happening she hopes it last all night so she can get as much time with Brandon as possible.

3 years with him , the most amazing 3 years of both of their lives. It's almost like Brie is just throwing it all away. Hopefully Brandon finds "better" . But to Brandon Brie so the best thing that has ever happened to him. To Brandon Brielynn is perfect and the best he could ever get. He's never been so happy. She makes him feel things he only ever would talk about in love songs.

The love songs are true. His love songs , the bands love songs actually. Every time he hears one he can't help but think of Brie and relate the song to their love. He can't take his eyes off of her. He would spend not even 10,000 hours loving her but forever. He'd even rather go blind then lose her.

"What you looking at my for girl?" He ask her with a smile on his face "you" she tells him "I'm just that damn good looking?" He jokes with her "very good looking" she says and he pecks her lips right before the light turns green and she takes off.

Back at the party the boys are getting impatient . But then Brie text Nick. "I gotta text" Nick says and the other boys crowd around the phone "she said they'll be here in 3 minutes" Nick read "aww shii" Zion says "everyone!" Edwin shouts making the party look at him "Brandon and Brie will be here in about 2 minutes, everyone get in place"

Edwin says to everyone making everyone get into place and ready to yell "surprise" together

"I'm so excited" Zion says and the boys also get into place. Nick turns the lights out before getting next to the others.


I park the car in front of the building "babe where are we?" Brandon ask "you'll see" we get out the car and I take his hand in mine and make him look at me "I love you" I say "I love you too" he says and I kiss his lips "are you ready?" I ask "I think so" he chuckles and I have him walk first
"ladies first"

He smiles "well this time you have to go first" I say "mhm" he puts his hand on the doorknob and opens it the door slowly like real slow.


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