Coming home

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As I made my way throught the busy hallways of the airport I felt a sense of familiarity, I was walking down the exact same halls just last month, When I was coming home for dads funeral.

From the far distance I could see Jace, my eldest brother- a successful heart surgeon, just looking at him, sent fire and anger through my veins. I was forced to leave the company of my friends and teachers at my prestige boarding school, Chilton, and endure a life back in London with the four men who just unfourtuantly share the same blood and flesh as me and even more unfourtuantly are my legal guardians.

Slowly but surely I made my way to him, he cracked a small smile and gave me an awkward side hug " hey there kiddo ready to go home" not trusting my mouth to talk I just nodded my head. He took the cart carrying my luggages and lead me to his suv. Once we got in he again tried to start a conversation "you hungry" again I just weekly shook my head- I wasn't happy to be home. He started up the car and started driving home " I know that Liam, Zack and Rick are excited to see you", not knowing how to respond I smiled " so once we get home I guess we'll just go over a few thing and you can just relax eh? How does that sound" again I just nodded.

Eventually after what seemed to be forever, we pulled up to the drive way, Jace opened his lock and stepped out of the car, the lock on my side was still on, I looked through the mirror panicking that he forgot about me in the car, I saw him pull out the luggages, it was only them I realised how mascular my brother was and the deep blue eyes he possessed. After pulling them all out he came back around and opened my door offering his arm,I stepped out of the car and followed him inside the house.

Once coming inside, he walked off to the living room, not sure whether to follow him or not I stood at the door in a gaze. "Alexis" I hear my brother call, "come into the living room please" I slowly walked over. As I entered the room I saw my three other brothers, Zack,Liam and Rick all sitting around the sofa,

"Hey kiddo how you doing" I heard Zack say, again not trusting my self to say much I replied with a quiet but quick "good thanks". Jace guided me over to the sofa and sat me near Liam who put his arm around me a smiled happily which I so reluctantly smiled back too. There was a good couple of minutes of awkwardness.

I saw Rick glancing over at Jace, eventually Rick spoke " you hungry?" I just shook my head and started back down onto my lap. Ugh this was so annoying, why were they all calling me "kiddo" and being so nice to me, I haven't had a full on conversation with any of them in over two years.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Zack " so Alexis we assume that you must be tired so we'll let you relax after we go over a few things" . Liam then said " now that your not at Chilton and dads gone it's our responsibility to make sure that you're brought up correctly, I know that it'll be hard now that dad's not here and we're not the closest siblings but we can change that right?" Not wanting to look stupid I nodded.

"Okay so we just have a few rules to tell you and then you can go upstairs yeah" Rick said in somewhat of a rush. Jace then spoke up

"Kay so rule number one: listen to us at all times and do exactly what we say. Rule two, do not talk back. Rule three, we do not tolerate any misbehaving, lying, swearing or things of that sort. Rule four, keep you room clean at all times, bed time is 10:00. Rules five, school grades must be kept up to high standereds, any difficulties with homework or school work you can come to us and finally rule six, be responsible"

I was shocked at all the rules they had already but didnt want to start and argument, then Zack spoke " unfortuantly for you, breaking any of the ruled would lead to punishments okay, it might be grounding which to be honest we all know is pathetic" he said remembering how when I used to be at home I would sneak out " we decided that we would discipline you like dad did with us four" he carried, they all looked at me.

"s-sspanking?" I whispered, Jace replied " yeah spankings and mouth washing and other forms of physical discipline"

Tears formed on the brink of my eyes remembering how dad used to always spank them when they were younger and the way they used to scream " hey hey, don't worry Alexis it's okay, it's not gonna as bad as it sounds" Liam said when he saw the tears.

After the discussion downstairs had finished I made my way to my room and lay on my bed..why did life have to change so badly for me

HEY GUYS! Hoped you enjoyed reading that, I wrote it up a while ago and then before I published it it all got deleted so unfortuantly I had to re write, anyways here ya go! Make sure to vote and comment!

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