Oh man! Stealing and bare punishment -UNEDITED

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Well it's been about three weeks since I had my mouth washed out and got my first spanking, which means it's been three weeks since I've been at home without getting in to trouble. I've gotten somewhat closer with my brothers, I mean we talk a lot more and just hang out. Today we were gonna go shopping, I need some summery clothes, Zack gave me exactly £60 to spend "and don't go over budget ok" he warned, damn all these rules. We all loaded into the Suv and made our way over, in the car Rick started off with a small lecture " Okay we're gonna stay together but once were in a store you can go off to look okay, before purchasing just run the clothes by us just for us to make sure it's appropiate"

urghh I rolled my eyes, run my clothes by them? Pur-lease.

{At the mall}

So far I've spent £55.30 and my choice of clothing has met there "expectations", I was waiting outside the changing room of debnhams (British shop) waiting for Liam when all of a sudden this amazingly long floral skirt caught my eye. Oh my god. I have to get that. I stalked over to the skirt, one left and in my size too, I was destined to be with it. I looked at the price tag "£15.99" (debnhams are very expensive). Man I didn't have enough. There was a small side bag on the rack next to it , it would match the skirt beautifully! Looking at the price of the bag shocked me "£22.60" damn it it would be passing the budget too much, none the less I picked it up alongside the skirt and darted right back over to the changing room. " Alexis hold my jacket please while I try this on, and be careful it has my wallet" Liam asked, hmm is wallet eh, he wouldn't mind if I just slipped away some of his money, maybe just £36.30 I thought. I know it's a stupid I idea but when it comes to me and clothes I'd do anything, guiltily I slipped my hand into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, sneakily I took out two £20 notes and hid it in my purse. "Liam hurry up!" I called, just as I did he came out. Dumping his jacket on him I ran off to the counter leaving him confused.

{skip to what Liam is paying}.


The nice lady at the counter happily chirped "that will be £32.00 please" I opened up my wallet and pulled the remaining notes, I had only £40.00 in there, paying her the cash I took the bag off the counter and met Alexis at the door, I could have sworn that I had £80.00 in there, looking down at Alexis I saw her shuffling a black bag into her New Look bag " what's that?" I asked her suspiciously, I'm pretty sure she didn't buy anything from. here. "It's just a skirt I bought from new look" she quickly replied, not bothering to question her anymore on the skirt I took her hand and walked out " Alexis, did you accidentally drop my wallet when you were holding my jakets, it's just that £40 just randomly disappeared, hastily she replied "no"

{skip to home}

I was pulling the bags out of the back of the car, I made sure to get her new look bag, I needed to know what was in there, stepping into the house Alexis ran up stairs with all her other np bags, clearly forgetting about the one I had. I walked into the living room with it and shut the door, my othere brothers were in there, I sat down on the sofa and told them about the money that had disappeared img debnhams and how suspicious Alexis was acting, I went on to tell them about her hiding a bag into her new look one. Slowly I peered into the new look bag to only be not so surprised with what I saw " I knew she bought something from there" opening it up I saw a long skirt and a bag , it made sense "she stole my money didn't she?"

jace stood up and walked over to me " Im gonna call her down and ask her, if she did, boy is she gonna get a shanking of her life" he reassured me.

"ALEXIS DOWN HERE NOW." He boomed scaring all of us, seconds late her small figure popped out around the door "yes"

"You tell me now with no lies, did you buy some thing from debnhams" he scarily asked her "nnoo". I pulled up the black bag and raised an eyebrow "explain this then" when no answer followed "how did you pay for it?" I inquired again no answe followed. "YOU STOLE MONEY DIDNT YOU" JACE boomed in her face "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"Up to your room and in the corner " Rick instructed her,

JACE turned around "well let's see, she lied many times today and stole, what do you boys think". Zack looked up " well a paddling and belting won't do justice" . Jace looked at me "Liam how about we bare her and give her a paddling and belting- 70 each and an increase if she doesn't co-operate, and for the rest of this week we each spank her 50 before bed with what ever, stealing is a serious crime and she's gotta learn" I chuckled " that punishment sounds so familiar" Zack looks at me and says "yeah cos dad gave you that when you stole and on the friday night you got your first ever switching-dayum he was harsh".

"Well that's exactly what she needs, switching too" Jace stated.

"Jace, she's most scared of you maybe you should go up and start, I'll come up too" we both nodded in agreement and marched up stairs.

{in her room}

"Come here Alexis"'she slowly walked over "okay, you lied multiple times and therefore your gonna get 70 with the belt moreover stealing is a serious crime so you'll get 70 with the paddle to, we'll increase if you don't coperate and your also gonna get a spanking for the rest of the week from all of us for the stealing with whatever implement we decide, on Friday night we've decided that were gonna use the switch, and today it's gonna be bare so could you please lower your pants and panties"

She looked at us shocked "I-i-I'm 15, you can't bare me,please"

"I see your asking for 10 more, and I understand your a 15 year old girl living in a house of boys, yes you need your privacy but I'm sorry you are going to have to bare your self for this punishment, you've got a long top on anyways and it'll cover your front"

With tears leaking out of her eyes she violently shook her head no, Jace pulled her in front of home and slowly pulled down her pants and panties, she was red full of embarrassment,

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