mouth washing- seriously another punishment?

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45 views, WOW! Thank you guys soo much!!! please please vote and comment some of your ideas, what do you want to happen! it will be much appreciated, honestly, much love xx


Oh My God. What the actual heck actually happen? My brother spanked me. After Jace left me in my room i could not help but to still be in awe about what literally happened, i don't know whether I'm embarrassed and angry or what? i don't even know how i feel! After the spanking Jace held me in his chest and... i don't know it felt good i guess, i felt loved. It was strange. I thought that I would be angry at him for what he had done to me, making me face the wall and then spank me really hard and harshly, but his comfort sort of made me...not angry, the feeling of being loved just took over, since I was sent to boarding school I've never really felt loved, just liked. Don't get me wrong, I was still sad and disagreed with what happened just not angry.


At the table we all sat, there was little conversation between my brothers, again I found myself sitting there playing with the food rather than actually eating, i hadn't breathed a word since iI had came down. Shifting uncomfortably in my seat (because of my throbbing bottom) i just stared down at the steaming pate of lasagna put in front of me. Liam and Zack sat next to me, my face was looking down. I guess that they understood the confusion and embarrassment I felt hence the reason Zack spoke up:

"Alexis..?" he asked in a gentle tone, as he did he kindly put his arm around my back "hun, you need to eat up okay?" , not wanting to protest and respond i just continued looking at my plate. " Alexis, you don't want another repeat of what happened earlier do you, because i can assure you that it will happen if that plate isn't clean" Zack took the spoon from my hand, filled it with a bite and slowly but forcefully put it into my mouth "look, your obviously surprised about earlier, you have to understand its coz we care about you" saying that he kissed my head and put in another bite to my mouth.

An hour and a half later i was still sitting there with my plate still half full "alexis if you don't finish that maybe a mouth washing will help you appreciate your food, I really don't wanna have to do that because your a good and well behaved girl and it pains me to punish you but you have to eat, understand?" i just nodded. how the hell am i gonna finish this, sighing i forced another spoon full through my lips.

twenty minutes later, i gave up, still with just less than a half left. Rick sighed and took my plate, "go on, off you go, zacks room okay?" he said as he affectionately rubbed my back. Slowly i made my way up, dreading what was gonna happen next, come on two punishments in one evening about food, ridiculous.

knocking on his door, the butterflies returned. He opened the door and sighed "why didn't you finish, you had like only a quarter of what we had Alexis" not replying back he made me follow him into his bathroom "you're really gonna hate this" he said as he picked up his bar of soap and rinsed it under the water until it was all wet and foamy. I've never had my mouth washed out before and this to be frank didn't scare me as much as earlier anticipation to the spanking, i was just a little nervous but not scared knowing that this wouldn't pain as bad.

"open up" he said, i opened just a little, his thumb went to my chin  and pulled it down making my mouth even wider, he placed the bar in and said "bite down on it i want to be able to see bite marks on that thing" reluctantly i bit down into his, straight away there was a disgusting and horrible taste filling my mouth. Tugging my arm he took me back into his room and put me in a corner. The fact that i had to face the corner was more of a punishment than the real thing, the humiliation just took over. to make it even worse "hands on your head" zack warned, damn this was so embarrassing. My bother's who i barely know are actually making me do this like a four year old child, oh my days.

Tears formed in my eyes from the embarrassment, the taste was horrendous. Finally ten minutes later Zack came with a small bucket and water, spitting it out as quickly as possibly i rinsed my mouth out using the water, my speed of doing that made him chuckle, " go on, use my bathroom to get rid of that taste then" zack chuckled. Running to his bathroom i was furiously spitting out the accumulated foam and saliva, once i had finished i turned around to see jace.

Now out of all my brothers, despite his comfort jace was the one who scared me the most. He was standing there in his vest and joggers chuckling "finish your food next time" he said with a smile. Both Zack and him invited me downstairs to watch a movie. Once coming down Rick smirked "Did that teach you to finish your dinner" he asked in a jokey way, i weakly smiled and nodded. Liam then laughed and asked "mouth washing?" again i nodded. Zack bent down and said "you should be happy that i didnt make you stand in the corner bare showing the result of your last punishment eh?". Jace then stepped in "Hey, don't tease her or i could easily remind you of your days in her position, and Alexis, good girl for taking the punishment well, don't make us do that again" he said as Rick pulled me over to the sofa and sat me on his lap "Alexis, we know we haven't been the closest brothers to you, but lets change that okay?". I guess i want that, to have my brothers as my brothers because their all i have, hence the reason i nodded my head in agreement as i let my head rest on his chest and my eyes close.

hope you all enjoyed and please comment and vote, i'd really love to hear your ideas and thoughts, remeber if you have any ideas for punishments, rules, rule breaking, situations ect let me know because i'll defo do as many as i can, LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVEXXXXXXXXXXX

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