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“So, you like cats?”, The dark haired girl asked the ginger head in front of her. The ginger smiled widely and said, “Yes, very much! What about you?”. The former shrugged and said, “I don’t really know. I have not seen many to decide that”. The latter tilted her head to the side, “Oh is that so? I have seen many, there are many in this place though”.

Young Christine Kingsley never had the chance to go out so today she had decided to finally step out of her father’s big mafia mansion. Her sister begged her to take her too but she refused, for her sisters own safety. She met this little girl on her way, petting a cat beside the road.

Young Stella McCartney was an orphan living with her grandparents. Once as she was normally roaming around in the neighbourhood as usual, petting cats and she meets this little black haired, tall and skinny girl.

The two 8 year old kids met and talked. Talked all day. Met almost every day and laughed together, so did they cry. Years flew by and now they were best friends.

Stella enjoyed music and art, as much as she enjoyed dancing and sports. At mornings, she would wake up early and feed the cats. During the day, she would practice dancing and do her part time jobs. By evening, she would sit by the window and play the guitar. When the night came by, she would be the life of every party.

Her life was a life Christine would die for.

Christine was the eldest daughter of a very famous mafia. Every morning, she will be dragged out of bed to help her father in paperwork. During the , she will remain inside the mafia building and do household work. By evenings, She will study different languages and shooting. When the night came by, she would lay on her bed awake suffering from insomnia.

On a very normal morning, Stella woke up to the worst news she could get. Her best friend, Christine, had died in a car accident. She was traumatized. She was invited to funeral, as sad as she was, she was furious at her family to act the way they did. Both her parents showed no emotion, not a tear was shred. Her aunts and uncles whispered among themselves holding up black hand fans. Only the one that did cry from her family was perhaps the one who suffered the most, her sister.

Loise was Christine adoptive younger sister. She was 6 years younger than her and was adopted right after a step mother came into her life. Her father first married a woman he had been arranged with, she gave birth to her then, after a few years, her mother died due to some disease. When Christine was 6, her father married another woman, one on his own will. The woman was not capable of giving birth so they had to adopt a child, because the step mother wanted a child of her own. Poor young Christine was treated as a stranger in her own house, not even knowing the reason for it. The adopted child grew up, being liked by many, even Christine herself. But the child had a deep love for Christine. She saw Christine as a ray of bright hope and inspiration for her, as every other younger sister did. Now at her death, Loise was the saddest of all, tears unstoppable crying out her name and begging god to give her back.

Stella felt pity upon the girl, but she herself was very depressed. It was her best friend that had died, with grief, she went to sleep that night. But by the next morning, she wasn’t there anymore.

End of flashback

Our dance ended, with a whole different environment it began with. I started the dance with a stranger and ended with a best friend. We both bowed to each other, as unnecessary as it was, We both did, for the others might suspect disrespectfulness.

I smiled at her and said, “Long time no see”. She hugged me tight and replied, “Long time no see”.

Back in the food corner, the argument between Ezekiel and Lucas had stopped, thanks to Athanasia and Jeanette. They both were still grumpy though, mostly Lucas. It was quite an entertainment to watch them act like kids, which they were.

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