The Old Coffee Shop 105

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Crip wakes up first, but he sits up in the bed, thinking of everything that happened yesterday.

More importantly, what the strange man had said. The fact that he somehow knew Crip used to sleep around with a lot of men..and he also said he wasn't getting paid what he wanted.

Victor was absolutely right, someone sent that man after him. No doubt.

The question is, who? Who would have it out for him like this? Could it have been...O'Riley?
He seemed fine, but maybe deep down he still wants Crip dead. Crip wonders if Victor thinks it's O'Riley too..

Victor: "Morning little birdie."
Victor says softly, his voice husky from having just woke up.

Crip: "Good morning.."

Victor: "Did you not sleep well?"

Crip: "No, I did..I was just thinking about who would want me kidnapped."

Victor: "Ah. Yes, that is the question we need to figure out...It could be because of me you got kidnapped.."

Crip: "What? Why do you say that?"

Victor: "We've probably been seen together. I have...many enemies."

Crip: "I don't think so..I mean, who would mess with the leader of the mafia? A crazy person maybe."

Victor laughs a bit.
Victor: "You have a point there."

Crip: "Do you..think it's O'Riley?"

Victor blinks a bit, then looks puzzled.
Victor: "There's a thought..Honestly, I think this was too good to be O'Riley. I mean these guys who were hired were professionals. They waited you out. They knocked you out. Then, they held you there. Whoever hired them, wanted you to be kept there until they were ready. It's someone who doesn't have much time, or maybe doesn't want to be seen."

Doesn't want to be seen..
Crip thinks hard but nobody pops into his mind. He's blank! There isn't a single person who would do this that fits the description Victors giving him.

Victor: "Don't stress about it too much..I won't let you get kidnapped again. So you're safe."

Crip: "What if you get hurt?"

Victor laughs, smiling at Crip as if he's the cutest thing to ever walk the earth.

Victor: "Me? Hurt? No, I don't think so. I'm too tough."
He flexes his arm muscle, and Crip can't help but smile and blush.

They get up, get washed up, then get dressed. Heading into the kitchen, Crip begins to rummage for a bag of coffee grounds in the top cabinet.

Victor: "Wait! I thought'd like to go to your favorite cafe? The one we went to when we first met?"

Crip looks surprised at first, then looks down sadly.

Crip: "I don't know if Jake is there..."

Victor: "Jake?"

Crip: "The guy who got me arrested.."

It clicks and Victor smirks.

Victor: "I remember now. I think we should go, and show that little prick just how happy and free you are now. His little plan didn't quite work out~"

Crip: "You wanna rub it in his face?"

Victor steps closer and it does something to Crips breath. Shaky, and hesitant..

Victor: "I wanna rub you in his face, because you're mine now~"

Crip can practically hear his heartbeat thumping in his ears. Victor was..certainly more clingy than he used to be. That wasn't a bad thing though. In fact, Crip thinks he might like this side of Victor more.

Crip: "O-okay..we can go then.."

Victor smiles, gathering up their jackets, and opening the door for Crip. It isn't long before they're walking through the cafe doors, and sure as shit, right there at the bar, is Jake.
Crip almost freezes, awkward memories of when they kissed and he got tricked coming back to him. Though, they're interrupted as Victor drags him to the bar, and they sit.

When Jake looks up, his eyes widen. There's this silent pause, where they're just staring at each other, until finally, Jake speaks.

Jake: "Y-you..Hi.."

Crip hangs his head a bit, mumbling more than speaking.

Crip: "Hey.."

Jake: "I's been a"

Crip nods, and they order, and when Jake returns with their cups, he stays.

Jake: "You're..still with this guy I see.."

Crip: "He's my boyfriend now.."

Jake: "Oh! Uh, congrats?"

Crip forces a smile, hating how fucking awkward this is.

Jake: "Look..I'm sorry, for everything I did. I was just doing what Jameson told me, but that's no excuse..I was wrong."

The name Jameson sends chills up Crips spine, but luckily that's interrupted too, as Victor reaches over the bar and pulls Jack in closer by gripping his apron. Then he almost whispers, but his voice is so deep and dangerous, Crip is almost certain others could hear him.

Victor: "You're forgiven..but if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I'll follow you home, tie you to your bed, and set your house on fire. Understand, kid?"

His words were like venom, and even Crip feels threatened.

Jake: "Y-yes sir."

Victor smiles a bit: "Good."
He says softly, and releases Jakes apron. Jake composes himself, meanwhile Victor takes the first sip of his coffee.

Jake: "My folks think Jameson might've run off."

The sudden sentence makes Crip choke.

Crip: "R-run off?"

Jake: "He's come up missing..but honestly I kinda saw it coming. I mean, he's always been so obsessed with work. Even at family functions, it's all he'd talk about. I think he finally got overwhelmed and ran off. Maybe on vacation or early retirement. I figure he'll call after about a year and act like he's much happier and shit."

Jake is smiling..he honestly believes what he's saying.

Jake: "Maybe then...he can apologize for being so uptight towards you? I think...he really liked you, he just wanted to get the big boss ha!"

Crip suddenly feels nauseous, and all he can see is Jameson's blood, and the way the life left his eyes when he stabbed him over and over.

The only thing that brings him back to reality, is Victors voice and the sound of his cup hitting the bar.

Victor: "Let me know if you get in touch with him. Always liked Jameson. We usually saw eye to eye."

He sounds so genuine, even though he knew Jameson was really dead.

Jake: "Will do. Uh.."

Victor: "Victor."

Jake extends a hand, and Victor shakes it. How do you shake the hand of the guy that just threatened to kill you? Crip doesn't understand the people in this city.

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