🌿Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦🌿

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[Bosnia and Herzegovina♂️]

Relaxing in the Garden
21st March
Ahh, first day of spring. It was actually sunny for once in a week.
Bosnia decided to go in his garden, hidden in the mountains.
He was sipping his morning coffee on a balcony.
Ah, finally i can move a little bit away from this mess.
Bosnia thought and sipped his coffee again. Hearing the noise coming from the streets of Sarajevo. People going to work.
He stepped inside and closed the balcony. His flat was silent again. He got couple sips of coffee left so he decided to drink them at once. He twitched.
Not the best idea.
It is already 8:30, I should go.
He put on his coat, took his bag full of accessories and equipment and his car keys. And left a small note on the door.

I'm on a break,if you really need me im returning around 19 o' clock.
Don't try to call me i won't have any signal.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

He planned this for weeks.
He sat in his car. Not the newest, but it served it's purpose. Car turned up and the journey started. He saw many mountains while driving to the place.
He was driving 2 and a half hour's; through the  countless mountains. He got there Prenj, place that he got goosebumps from but also the place where he built his garden. His garden with a greenhouse and a small house. He parked his car on the old place. Where he used to park it. And went climbing with his bag. Climbing wasn't really hard for Bosnia but this time it was different.
*Maybe i lost fettle*
He sat couple times, gave himself a break to eat and time to breath fresh air. It was getting cloudy, Bosnia had to hurry up. By 12 he was there. He saw his garden, hidden from the people. He had to go through the bushes,forest and big stones.
He was here. He happily went down  hill, to the valley.
Oh finally!
There was already a passable path, made from all the Bosniaks visits leading to a greenhouse and a cottage.
At the entrance he put his bag down and took out the keys. As he unlocked the door and stepped in floor made a loud creak. Inside was pretty dusty, he settled down and first he cleaned up the place. Second, he checked his garden in greenhouse, he pruned the plants and got rid of the thorns.Gave them fertilizer and water. He arranged it as it looked like a bomb has fallen into it, though it looks like that every year.
He was really tired after good work, it was only 4 pm, but country decided to kill an eye, before going further.
He woke up around 5 pm,*Nice nap must say*
He stretched his arms and got out of bed. He took out the groceries and started making himself a dinner. He didn't eat anything from when he came here. He decided to not do anything for now, for today. He did enough job today.
After a good omelet, bacon and paprika, he lied down on his bed, there were some light left outside. Sun was going to sleep and moon started to dance on black shiny floor. At Bosnia's cottage shone couple candles, giving him enough light. He liked looking at fire, so inconsistent and calm. Beautiful to look at.
He has become sleepy, bit he didn't let candles drown him into ocean of dreams, he extinguished the candles and then he indulged himself. Outside was quiet, there barely any sound. Just sounds of nature


And Bosnia's snoring.

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