Chapter 4: Stranded Amnesiac

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Oh my days!! The reaction to that last chapter was madness!!!!! I was not expecting it at all!!! You guys are crazy!!! I have never been screamed at to update before !!!!!! :D I felt popular & wanted ._. 
I know I have been M.I.A for a while and I am sorry :(( Forgive me?
Btw, The title for this chapter was supposed to be the title of the book but I decided against it, (irrelevant trivia)
Anyways onto this long awaited chapter....
Love, Peace and Oreos  


Concrete. Thats what went through my mind as I hit the water. When you hit water from a great height it feels like youre being slammed into concrete. It completely winded me and I passed out. Im dreaming. I rolled over. Im dreaming. I feel cold. Im dreaming. I cant breathe. Im dreaming. Salt. Im dreaming. Water. I cant be dreaming.

A flurry of bubbles followed by a coughing fit exploded from my mouth as I came up spluttering for air, riddled with cold, fighting with the cold cruel sea. Panicking in a whirl of wind and water I felt myself being tossed and thrown about like a limp rag doll. I heard the sirens from the ship fading away as the roar from the waves became louder, or maybe that was just the sound of blood pounding my eardrums.  

My backpack, hooded sweater and jeans, so light and casual a few hours now felt like they weighed a ton. I struggled to stay on top of the waves and slowly but surely felt myself being dragged under. Death boomed at me. The grey sea disappeared and so did the rain and clouds. A rainbow flashed across the sky and suddenly there was no treacherous sea and evil waves, just a calm body of water illuminated by sunshine; I found it increasingly difficult to breathe and I sunk, as if an invisible force was pulling me down. I closed my eyes slowly. It just seemed so right; like that moment when exhaustion grabs you and you just fall asleep. The roar of the sea vanished, the waves switched from tranquil turquoise to a harsh blue. Raked with fatigue and frozen beyond feeling my body ached for rest. I had been tormented and thrown around by the sea for long enough, time for rest.

Look, You give up so easily. a voice in the back of my head said. It sounded sarcastic and condescending. You're not even trying to survive.  

I tried kicking my leg but it felt numb. I felt my guts twist like a hand was clamping down on them and twisting savagely. You are just allowing yourself to be lost at sea Alex. You're too brave and strong to be acting this weak. The voice was becoming hoarse and desperate. Alex please come on.  

Lost at sea. That term scared me. Lost at sea. I didnt want to die here. Lost at sea. Cold and alone. Lost. Never found. At sea. The one place I hated the most. The one place I had never felt safe in. The only place that terrified me beyond all possible reason. The last thing that crossed my mind before I completely blacked out again was how much I wished I couldve said goodbye to my parents.


When I woke up, the first thing I smelt was salty air and wet rock. The first thing I heard sounded like a thousand leaves being stepped on in a windy forest. I felt like I had been hollowed out and there was a strange ringing in my ears. I think this is what all those medical officials describe as an out of body experience, because I didnt feel at one with myself at all. I could barely feel my limbs and a twitch of my finger felt like it took a thousand muscles. I just lay there, unable to call out or cry. I couldnt bring myself to try and stand up. I dont even know what's going on. Why do I feel so broken?

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