Chapter 1: My Silence is My Temple

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Thank you so much for all the comments on the intro!!! Some of your responses to my question made me laugh so hard!!!! Thanks though, those comments were so sweet, I wasnt expecting it!!! lol enjoy, vote and comment.
Love, Peace and Oreos
~Silesia  xoxo

I tucked my shirt into the waistband of my skirt and reached for my blazer. I had a horrible feeling today was going to be a long day. My older sister Talia burst into my room. "Alex, have you seen my lipgloss?"

I shook my head and put on my school blazer and grabbed my school bag off the floor. I swung my bag over my shoulder and flapped my hands at her, after a moment she got the message.

Talia made a face at me. "Would it kill you to talk to me?" Yes. I thought sarcastically. Talia rolled her eyes at me."Maybe if you wore lip gloss and take care of yourself a bit more you would have a boyfriend by now." She said flouncing off. I rolled my eyes and sighed at her comment. My sister had always been so boy focused. She was a cheerleader at school and one of the most popular girls there. No one at our school even knew we were related. She was in the year above and one of the reasons I hated school. Her and her little group of friends made life hell for lots of people. I watched them patrol the hallways everyday, looking for someone to torment. Looking for another helpless person to belittle. It made me sick to my core. To be fair, Talia didnt ever say anything, but she stood there beside her friends and watched knowing she had the power to stop it, which was bad enough in my opinion. I was so glad that Talia was ashamed of me, it meant that I could float around school being quiet and ignoring everyone rather than tailing after that crowd like the captain of the basketball team's little brother Craig who tails after that crew like a lost puppy. I was free to be my own person and to turn my back on society.

"Alex. Why are you daydreaming? You know we have to leave in a minute right?" Talia snapped her fingers in my face. "Remember once we get outside the gate-"

"We dont know each other. I know, I know." I rolled my eyes. "You think I wanna know you at all once we leave this house Lia?" I said as we walked down the stairs.

"It talks!!" Talia arched her perfectly plucked and pencilled eyebrows at me. "Only a few people can call me Lia and you lost that privilege when you decided to sit in the library instead of signing up for cheerleader tryouts." She yelled, I shook my head at how pathetic and shallow she sounded.

"Girls!!!!" My mother called from the kitchen, the tone she called us in sounded like she had heard our whole argument. "Breakfast." She said firmly. We walked into the kitchen and I saw my parents sitting at the table together sipping coffee. Two bowls of cereal and a stack of toast sat on the table beside them. Talia grabbed a slice of toast and attempted to leave, but dad called her back.

"Natalia Lucinda Jones. Where is my kiss?" He asked extended his arms. His tone was light but by the way he looked at her I could tell it wasnt a question. Talia gave him a peck on the cheek and ran out the door yelling "bye mum" as she left. Dad turned to me. "There is my favourite little girl. You wanna give daddy a hug dont you?" He smiled. I nodded then bent down and gave him a hug. He rocked me from side to side and I breathed in his cologne and coffee smell. He rubbed my back. "Have a good day at school okay? Your mother and I have a surprise for when you get home."

"What is it?" I asked wearily, sitting down and pulling a bowl towards me, My parent's idea of a surprise is a new pair of socks or more batteries for my alarm clock.

"Just know you'll love it." Mum said smiling at my Dad and standing up. "You better leave baby, otherwise you'll be late to class." I finished my cereal and stood up. Blowing them both a kiss I made my way to the front door.

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