Chapter 5: Fever

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Told y'all I wouldnt leave it that long. 

*Scratches head* 

Everybody lies,just a reminder...... lol 

Love Peace and Oreos


I got up, grabbed the bag beside me and ran, I didnt know what else to do. At first I wasnt sure my legs could support my endevours but I was scared and fear leant me strength. All that was going through my mind was the amount of distance I wanted to put between myself and Jacob. I found myself rapidly questioning what in the world I had done to deserve to be stranded on an island with him and Talia. After what felt like years of running I could feel my body beggining to tire so I slowed to a walk. The slower I got the more I noticed how the ground beneath my feet seemed to alternate with each step. When I moved my left foot forward, the ground seemed to compress at my weight. When I moved my right foot, the ground was soft and powdery; I looked down. I had one shoe on, my right foot was completely bare. I began limping, dragging one foot in front of the other, but not puting too much weight on my right leg, every time I placed my right leg on the ground a twinge of pain shot up the right side of my body. My slow steps became slower and slower until I came to a complete stop. I breathed in and out trying to get rid of the stabbing pain in my side and the fogginess in my brain.  I looked around. A few trees littered here and there, rocks ranging from pebbles to massive boulders were scattered around and of course sand everywhere. I put my head in my hands and sighed deeply. I wanted to cry so badly. I felt alone and more confused than I had ever done in my entire life. I didnt know exactly where I was or how I got here, all I knew is that I'm here now, with two of the most dispicable people on this planet. No in this universe. Jacob and Talia. Talia and Jacob. Their names rolled round in my head. weaving in and out of each brain cell and wraping around every thought floating in my mind. I felt myself becoming drowsy because of it. Not thinking clearly, drifting in and out of conciousness. 

If you do find yourself stranded, then make sure you think clearly. Food, Shelter and Water are the three most essential things to have. Trying to survive without them is futile.

Those words swum to the top of my brain, breaking free of the Talia and Jacob strewn river that was now my mind. The words didnt strike me as something someone had said to me; It was more like instinct. Something embedded in me, something I had always known. Make sure you think clearly one thing I am not doing. I shook my head vigourously trying to clear it and was rewarded with a sharp slap accross the face with a renegade braid, stiff with sea salt. I cupped my now stinging cheek with my hand. This is a mess. I choked back tears and unzipped the bag I had grabbed earlier, trying to regulate my breathing. I looked at the contents for a second, they didnt seem right. I tipped them out onto the sand in front of me. A small blue maglite torch, a faded battered tin, a bundle of brown and green nylon rolled into a small cylinder,a small bottle and a blue box no bigger than my palm that had a silver strip round the edge and a matching blue metal cube with a silver strip round the middle. I blinked at the items now spread out in the sand in front of me. None of them seemed familiar. I stared at them all trying to remember packing any of them. I couldnt think that far back. None of them looked like anything I would own. Maybe the amnesia is playing up again and I just dont remember my own possesions. Its just, I really dont think this is mine; its possible but I dont even know what half of this stuff is but Ive got it now so I might as well make use of it. I picked up the small bottle. It was full of water. I was suddenly aware of how parched my throat felt and how cracked my lips are. I raised the bottle to my mouth, ready to gulp down every drop but as the bottle touched my lips I paused. For now I was immobile, I was in no position to walk around and I had no idea how long it would be before I found clean water again. I took a measured gulp and screwed the cap back on before putting it back in the bag.  The pains in my side lessened and my breathing was instantly regulated. I took note of the rapidly dropping temperature and the steadily sinking position of the sun and put everything back in the bag. I dropped the tin and it hit the side of a small pebble and burst open. A small photo, a silver necklace, three matches and a tear drop shaped piece of plastic fell into the sand. I swept them all up into a small pile and picked up the photo. It was a family portrait. Jacob's family portrait. I threw it back down and cursed loudly. This was Jacobs bag. Which meant that the other backpack down on the bay is mine. If this is Jacobs bag then that means he is going to come looking for his bag, and his bag is with me. All that distance I tried putting between us would count for absolutely nothing if he came searching for me because I had his bag. I tried to get up, but the pain in my ankle forced me back down. Looks like Im staying here for now. I felt exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. I dragged myself over to the nearest boulder and rested my back against it sighing and thinking that I may as well get some form of sleep and try and sort out a solution when the sun rose and I was feeling a little stronger. I closed my eyes and within seconds, I was completely out. 

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