Chapter 1

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Storm's PoV:

I hate this place, I thought to myself as I watched the drunk men around me. Why are all still here? Do they not have families to go to?

My dad being the king of the bikers was truly wearing me down since mum died. Life was a mess, Dad sunk further into the club life & further out of being the father he once was..

"Go to bed." I'm suddenly yanked back by the arm as I stumble through the kitchen rubbing my eyes, music is blaring, I need to find dad to put an end to it.  I look up to see Jackson, the bikers Vice President glaring down at me harshly, like this isn't my house.

I rip my arm from his hold & scowl at him. "Do you not think I'm trying! Why are you all still here!" I snap back at him, my voice cracks in exhaustion & his face softens a bit before his jaw clicks & he quickly scans the room around me. The thing about Jackson is .. even though I've known him for 12 years.. lately, I've noticed he's probably the best looking man I've ever seen, the tattoos.. the jawline.. the blue eyes.. but right now isn't the time to gush, I'm upset & exhausted. He takes a step towards me and puts his hands on my arms.

"I'll make them leave, now get out of my sight," he leans down to speak right into me ear, as disrespectfully as he can I might add.

A shiver goes down my spine.. what the hell was that, he squints his eyes at me & I'm horrified he's picked up on it. I roll my eyes & push his hands off me & go to head up to my room.. when an, in hindsight, an awful idea occurs to me. Maybe if I drink a little I'll be able to sleep through this joke of a Tuesday night. I stop by one of dad's liquor cabinets & pull out a bottle of Jack Daniels, I'm slightly hidden from the group of about 20 people slurring their words & acting like pigs, I just want to drink this as fast as I can & drop off.. is that so much to ask? I fill out a short glass about halfway, pinch my nose & down the whole thing in one go, ignoring the burning feeling engulfing my throat & starting to gag, but I unbelievably drank it all.

I have no real idea if that's even enough to get someone drunk or I've just obliterated myself.. time will tell. I take the bottle & glass with me & start to stalk up the stairs, I go as quickly as I can as I start to become conscious of the fact I came down here just in my pink silk shorts & white tank top. I was so tired I didn't even think, no wonder Jackson was angry, I've been told to hide myself as much as possible from the club.. rule is broken I guess. As I reach the top of the stairs and start to head to my bedroom I'm suddenly pushed into the upstairs bathroom, I hit the floor hard & the glass in my hand shatters above my head.

"Woah sweetheart, watch your step." I hear a man's voice slur as someone tugs my arm roughly upwards. My eyes snap open & are met with Douglas'.. one of my dads sleazy 'friends'.

"What are you doing!?" I shriek as loud as I can as the situation of him pushing me into the bathroom & attempting the shut the door registers in my head.

"Let's hang out just us baby, it can be a secret.." he slurs against my ear, he's so close I can feel the alcohol seeping out his breath. It's making my skin crawl.

"Get the FUCK OFF ME!" I scream even louder as he puts his disgusting hand on my upper right thigh, for some reason I'm frozen still in shock & can only scream. I'm pushed against the sink with his filthy hands all over me, the bile is rising & the fear is causing me to have a cold sweat, I'm just screaming & trembling  at this point.. I feel like I'm not in control what I'm doing.

"What are you doing! Just shut up & take it you tease." He spits at me like he's not even understanding he's about to rape me. Tears are rolling down my face.

"Fucking cunt!" My dad's voice rips through the air & Douglas is ripped away, I watch completely still as I watch my old man smash his face into the side of the bathtub. Douglas is begging & weakly apologising as my dad spits how dead he is back.

Blood, everywhere. I stand there with the tears still rolling & my mouth open, I've never seen such violence in my life. I feel ringing in my ears.Jackson storms fans into the scene, he takes it in & pulls Dad back.

"Enough, enough!" He pleads as he rips him off."Get him the fuck out of my sight," Dad says with his back against the wall , his chest rising & falling as he tries to compose himself, his eyes are still wild with fury .Jackson & another one of them that doesn't even register to pull the mess that was once Douglas out of the bathroom, by his feet, leaving a streaked bloody trail on the white tile behind them.

Jackson looks up to meet my eye & I watch his mind trail as he starts to piece it together in his head, he looks down at him with his jaw locked but continues to pull him out of the room. I never want to see that man again. Dads eyes are now on me & the tears begin to roll even harder. I take a step towards him to cry into his shoulder but I'm stopped as his hand grabs my throat.

"What the FUCK were you doing dressed like that down there!." He spits the words loudly & harshly in my face, I can see the pure hatred in his bloodshot eyes as he looks at me.My hands fly to his wrist to try to get his hand to release his grip on my neck, I'm still in shock & it feels like it's heightening.

"Fucking answer me." He squeezes tighter.

"I.. I couldn't sleep, I came to find you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I choke out, my face reddening against his tightening grip. I suddenly feel his right hand slap me across the mouth & I buckle to the floor as he lets go of me. I just dodge the broken glass & life my hand out to my lip to feel the blood I can taste seeping out my mouth, I look up at my dad with horrified eyes, did he just hit me..

"Don't ever fucking do that again. Everyone's leaving, go to fucking bed. I'm staying at my old ladies.' He barks at me with no remorse. .. and he leaves me there.. alone. The music stops & I never hear anything from down starts after the first few minutes after he scares everyone out of the house.. I'm still sitting on the bathroom tile.. surrounded by blood, glass & my tears that have created little pools around me. After 10 minutes of nothingness, just shock, I stand up and look at myself in the mirror, my lips are busted, my eyes are bloodshot & there's a mix of drying & new blood.. I gently wash my face & brush my teeth.. my head is pounding and I need to lay down.

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