002. harry caught in 4K

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𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 Cal was shocked to see a bunch of clothes discarded by the front door and a pair of shoes far too small for Harry's feet would be an understatement.

The man had walked in to expect his roommate to be fast asleep on the sofa with every light turned off or sat at the island having the leftovers from last night.

But to be greeted with the realisation his roommate getting it on was one option that never popped into his mind.

Freezy stood completely still with wide eyes, his body gone into a state of shock. His mouth had hung open as if he were catching flies, no words could comprehend his empty head, zero thoughts, just hollow.

After quickly realising how weird he looked standing there, hearing through the walls, he dropped everything from his hands and let them fall onto the floor, not caring if anything broke as he sprinted into his room and slammed the door.

He grabbed the top pillow and hastily wrapped it around his head, covering up his ears to prevent hearing anything more than he needed.

Freezy stood like that for a couple more minutes than he needed to, but he did anything and everything compared to being scared from what just happened.

No longer hearing the warning of muffled moans through his thick pillow, Cal lowered the makeshift ear muffs and slowly walked his way to his door connecting his to the living room. Pushing the handle down, Freezy came face to face with a flabbergasted Harry holding onto his chest in fear from being scared from what he thought was an intruder.

Harry and Freezy stood on opposite sides of the living room, staring each other down, both eyes filled the embarrassment and humorous fear.

Cal broke the silence by letting out a loud laugh in the ridiculousness of the situation.

Harry stood now with the hung open mouth, roles reversed from earlier as he watched his best friend slide onto the floor, clinging onto the sofa as he cried from laughter.

The man (now lying on the floor) could barely breathe with how entertaining he now found this, complete reaction change from his first instinct when he entered the flat.

Harry's face was one to never forget, the absolute horror etched onto his features would stay with Cal forever.

The poor man stood there as his friend was still dying of laughter, only he wished he was the one dying here when he realised he would have to fuss up to the obvious act he got caught in. He thought Cal was meant to be out all day!

𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄! | 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now