012. awkward at the dinner table

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𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃. Harry felt very awkward. It's not everyday you pull away from your best friends initiation of a kiss, even if you've been in love with them for over half a decade. And maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to actively swerve her before spending two and a half hours with her in a car going to her family house, just to have her day ruined even more by her bitching sister.

The car was pulled into the drive, engine turned off and heaters wearing off. Sadie was fast asleep in the passenger seat. Her bobble hat was pulled down to cover her eyes and her coat was placed over her lap and tugged up to her chest. Her shoes had been flung off and Harry could laugh at her thick layer of socks, the fluffy christmas socks most likely layered over a pair of ankle socks.

Small puffs of cold air mingled around her agape mouth, light snores rumbling from the back of her throat. Harry looked at her plump, dried lips; the ones he wished to kiss passionately in a way that so many romance movies would be jealous of.

Harry exited the car and walked around to her side, opening the door slowly and kneeling down to her level. He pestered his thoughts for a moment and deciding he didn't want to disturb her too much, he pulled out his phone.

His fingers scrolled through masses of contacts, looking for 'Sadie's mum' from that one time she got so drunk that Harry had to do the awkward message of: your daughter is very drunk, are you able to pick her up?

He wasted no time on typing up the following message: Hey, we are outside now. Is Hailey in? It didn't take long before she responded, she always loved hearing from Harry, she believed he was such a wonderful man.

No she isn't here yet, I'll let you two in now! A small smile light upon Harry's face, her mother knew the hell she put Sadie through, childhood and continuing.

Harry slipped his phone back into the pocket of her joggers and lifted his head up to see Sadie. His hands scooped underneath her sleeping body to plant firmly on the backs of her knees and the top of her back. As he lifted her from the heated seat, her coat fell off her lap and onto the floor of the car; Harry making a mental note to pick that up later along with her discarded shoes.

Sadie was lifted with ease, no intention of waking her up anytime soon as long as she was comfy. She shifted in his hold slightly but ultimately fell back asleep and as Ethan would call her, you lazy twat.

Sadie's mum opened the door in time to see her boyfriend (or what they had assumed was) wrap his bulking arms around her daughters unconscious body. His eyes practically forming into love hearts watching hair fall from her toned face.

𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄! | 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now