011. sick notes

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𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 to bail out, like so badly. A simply text message saying she's ill and can't make it will be easy, they would never suspect a thing. But after hours of Harry's amazing pep talk, she finally gave in. A nice fun trip to see the family, all lovey dovey to prove her sister wrong.

She was sat in the passenger seat of Harry's car, her arms wrapped around her body secured in a thick coat. Her hands tucked into the sleeves of his jumper, trying to contain any heat that she could gain. The coat was zipped up to her chin, nose and cheeks a tinted red from the temperature as she watched Harry standing outside, scraping the ice off the windscreen.

Hearing the opening of the door beside her, she turned that way to see him climbing back into the car seat shivering. His hair was messy on the top of his head, chunks sticking up in many directions from practically rolling out of bed approximately twenty minutes ago.

His hands slipped from his gloves, letting the cold air touch his skin. Breathing into his hands to create a warm temperature, he turned to Sadie. "You ready?"

Sadie's bottom lip was between her teeth, eyes zoned into somewhere infront of her. A moment of silence overtook the two, thoughts debated in the course of her mind; she nodded hesitantly.

Harry's hand hovered away from his mouth and slid down to graze the top of her (well, his) jumper sleeves. He saw her fingers slip from the grip on the edge of the jumper, letting the pinky lift to connect with his hand.

Harry instantly felt warm, her cold finger touching his skin sent a rush of excitement through this body. A wave he had experienced one too many times to consider Sadie a close friend.

The love Harry held for Sadie was borderline romance movie, honestly. Any small indication that this love was reciprocated was on the tip of an iceberg away from confession, an adrenaline for keeping his feelings a secret was what allowed him to continue this game of back and fourth.

"Would you think it's okay if I just punched Hailey?" Sadie stared ahead, the words falling from her lips as if it came from the jumble of thoughts.

A smile etched its way across Harry's face, his cheeks blending rosy as the woman made him smile. "If you don't, I will." He breathed out, Sadie tilting her head back to whack onto the cushioned headrest as a wheeze came from her plump lips.

Sadie unzipped her coat slightly, showing her mouth to Harry more as her gaze shifted to his beautiful eyes. A frown was now spread across her face, lips pressed into a small line. "What is this doesn't work." He heard her whisper. "What do you mean?" Harry gulped.

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