slowly there..

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Kara's POV
Lately... Lena has been dodging my calls more than usual.
I'd like to think that she found a hobby or that she is just busy with work but my mind keeps wondering.

Part of me feels like this could be just my relentless and useless overthinking; but the other part of me knows that this isn't how Lena behaves.

Regardless , I deserve some answers and last night I tried bringing it up at dinner .
She kept dodging the questions and acting all mysterious.

Was she hiding something from me?
Does she have a secret identity where she is a super hero and doesn't tell her best friend to "keep her safe" as a revenge?
Well either way I gotta finish my alien coffee.

Kara chugged her coffee and disposed of it in an environmentally sustainable way.

She adjusted her long cape and smiled at herself in the mirror.

She looked at the reflection of a picture of her and Lena and her smile dropped.

Kara knew she had to tell her how she felt ,and deep down she had the feeling that all of this withdrawal could have to do with the possible reciprocated feeling Lena had for her.

But that couldn't be? There was no way her best friend , someone who's always been there for her , someone who she wished to come home to every day and someone she had great desire for- actually felt the same way.

Calmly, she looked at her watch ; to which she left in a blink of an eye.

9 hours later /night

It had been a tiring day and she tried to brush it off with the quickest bar to get to.

Kara sat down in the bar stool, in her own world . She was too lost in her own thoughts to even be aware of what kind of bar she was in.

She looked up from her cheap human whisky and sighed

"Another , please" she asked the bartender.
"Haven't you had enough? You should be dead by now !!" laughed the reasonably kind bartender as he poured another drink.

She enjoyed the human drinks. They tasted okay and it didn't make her feel drunk.. maybe just a little tipsy.
"Oh , no" whispered kara as she started to feel the whole world spinning a little bit.
"Excuse me? What did you put in this?" She asked trying to holdon to reality so she wouldn't black out lie she used to in the alien bar

The bartender told motioned for her to come closer as he whispered in her year.

"Don't worry , I was just helping you out. I realised that you weren't from around here and you're not alone" he winked "I just poured in some stuff from my own planet, you looked like you needed it".

Kara's face shifted into panic as she felt the potstickers from earlier come back up.

"Gimme a minute " she exclaimed while holding her mouth and turning into the crowd of drunk people.

She shuffled through them quite easily and made her way to the bathroom to... well I'm sure you know what happened next.

She washed her faced and brushed her teeth with some soap because she hated the taste of sick.

She was still a little drunk but sober enough to comeback to her senses.

As she walked out of the bathroom she dropped her jaw to what was happening right in front of her.

So many questions were rushing through her head as she realised that she was at a strip club.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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