fuck you.

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Kara's Pov
And so it all started last games night.
My sister had left and it was just me and Lena ... drinking some thing we called Lara Duthor it was a mix of all the alcohols we had in the kitchen.
My drink had an extra alien drink but she didn't know.
We were discussing our bucket lists.
'Well I would like to .... One day live in the future ' she said with her daydreaming look staring at me .... maybe it was the alcohol buut I answered.
'I would like to be tied up and fucked until I scream.' I said which was followed by her choking on her drink and me blushing uncontrollably.
I thought 'what the hell why did I  say that'
she then said ' Good to know  *wink*.'
'Oh wow it's hot  in here 'I said while getting up from the couch
God I was horny.
'well I should get going ' she said.
'No stay please I can crash on the couch.'I answered.
'I couldn't let you do such a thing' she said 'Lets sleep in your bed come on Kara we are best friends' she answered.
I nodded.
15 mins later
we were on the bed ... I thought she was sleeping and I was still very horny.
I couldn't touch my self to gain some relief because that's just invasion of privacy right?
Anyway .
I just crossed my legs trying to relief the throbbing in between my legs.
Suddenly  I felt her hand move towards me and so laid normally with my hands behind my head.
She then started moving her hand towards my thigh
'fuck' I whispered .
I couldn't believe Lena was about to sleep fuck me.
she then put her hand under my trouser and started rubbing circles my clit.
I held my mouth while I orgasmed.
I remember how much I wanted to scream.
she then turn her head and was smirking.
'your so fucken hot Kara' she said before kissing me.
we started making out .
She added tongue and I was in cloud nine .
'fuck' I mumbled in between kisses as she kept on fucking me.
'I was so fucking turned on by your request on the bucket list...' she paused.'You were very bad for doing that to me... I think you need punishment.'She said and I just nodded.
She leaned on my bedsite table and pulled out a sock and a pair of knickers.
she used the knickers to tie me to both sides of the bed and gagged me with the socks.
she ripped my clothes apart along with my bra and started sucking and planting small kisses from my neck down to my pussy.
She started by lightly passing the tongue in my clit .
And I moaned in frustation.
' Oh darling you shouldn't have some it in the first place' she said with a smirk.
I could feel her breath against my clit and it sent goosebumps all over my body.
fuck . I wanted her bad.
She then started licking and sucking small circles in my clit and started pumping two fingers.
I couldn't moan through the gag so I just kept on grunting hysterically
I started pushing my pussy against her mouth and she stopped .
I moaned in frustation again.
And out of nowhere she goes back to doing it but in super speed.
To the point where my whole body was shaking in the build up for the climax and I couldn't help but scream.
I was able to spit the sock off my mouth.
'fuuuuuuck you lena' I said
as I came on her .
she licked it all up and came up to me.
'your welcome' she said as she leaned in for a kiss.

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