You lied.

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Lena's POV.
"Take them off !" I shouted at Kara .
I felt guilt invading my mind as I saw Kara burst into tears.
"I'm sorry Lena" she cried as she took off her glasses.
"Is this you or Supergirl?"I asked grasping onto her arms in anger.
she didn't answer.
I punched her. And in that second I heard one of my bones crack.
And so I cried in both pain and anger.
"I'm sorry Lena I can get that fixed for you it's just dislocated" she said ;which gave me even more anger.
The Kara I knew wouldn't have been able to tell whether or not a bone is broken.
I tried to push her away which only led me into falling into her arms.
She pushed my hand onto my arm and It clicked which led to me instantly feeling relief
With that she hugged me tightly.
"Let me go Kara" I said trying to fight her off.
"I can't " she said in between sobs.
I tried to fight her off the hug but part of me enjoyed feeling her breath against my neck and so I gave in.
" I trusted you " I cried leaning my head on her shoulder.
She lowered her hands down my back. You would think it would make a person uncomfortable but I have never felt so safe.
We just stood there for a long time and after a long time of sobs and tight hugging. I could feel this electricity in the air like if this secret had awaken something in our friendship.
I looked up at Kara's face and there was this spark in her eyes. I bet I had it too. And then nature took its course . she lifted my chin and our lips connected like the last piece of a never ending puzzle.
She decreased the tightness of our embrace. And it was as if this kiss released the major tension in our relationship.It felt like a breath of fresh air... even though I forgot to breathe and so I had to push her away.
"I'm ... sorry .... I just had to breathe" I said in between big breaths.
Out of nowhere we both burst into laughter.
"I'm sorry .. I forgot you were human" she said while scratching the back of her head in embarassment.
After a few minutes of us staring at each other in awe she broke the silence.
"Sooooo... did that mean you forgive me?"she asked while grabbing my hand and moving it from side to side like the child she is.
"Huh ... I don't know I think you'll have to make up for it"I said with a wink and then taking my shirt off.
She instantly stared at my boobs like a hungry puppy.
"Come fetch me " I said slowly walking away but she got to me in a whoosh.
she grabbed my hips and pulled me into a lustful kiss .
she then pushed me into the wall and started kissing my neck.
"I'm going to make you cum into terms with my superpowers(pun intended)" she said with a wink.
And God was I soaking as she said the word cum
She ripped out my jeans leaving my damp knickers exposed.
"Oh Rao , you are dripping" she said as ahe got flustered in arousal.
She softly licked my entrances-leaving me quivering for more-as she rubbed my clit in circles through the knickers.
She stopped too early leaving me frustrated.
Then she bit off my knickers like a carnivore eats its prey.
"fuck" I whispered as I felt her breath against my exposed clitoris.
She then abrutely grasped onto my butt cheeks and pushed my hips towards her mouth (making a huge impact between my clit and her tongue)
I instantly grasped onto her hair.
"Oh Kara ... that feels so good " I said rolling my eyes in pleasure.
"Call me Supergirl " she said pushing in two fingers into my entrance.
"Fuck...Supergirl save me!" I moaned
Then Kara went on to using her superspeed leaving me a moanful mess .
I pushed her head further into my crotch so that there wasn't any space between us and all I could see was her head moving vigorously while her tongue rubbed my clit .
She got faster and faster.
"Holy shit Kara im cumming" I screamed , as I said that I could feel all the muscles in my abdomen contract forcing my hips to go upwards. She just kept on going and I couldn't stop shaking with the aftershock.
"You are... forgiven" I whispered -trying to get my voice back"
She stopped and smiled back at me.
God the things I would do for that smile.
Another request.
I will continue with Kara's secret so buckle up.
Also thx for the amazing feedback guys I know I haven't posted in a while but it's good to know that people  are still liking this.

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