The Breakup

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  It was the day after our fight and Bradley had convinced me he wasn't going anywhere, but I couldn't help but feel like there was unfinished business.
  I was the late one today so I tiptoed into the gym even though everyone knew I was there.
  Bradley was sitting on the stairs talking to Asian. I walked up the stairs passed him and expected him to follow. He didn't. Just then Morgan comes up to me apologizing. "Michelle I'm so sorry", she cried. "What's going on"? I choked. "You don't know? Oh..." She said sadly. "What? What is it Morgan? Tell me" I said beginning to cry. "Bradley said he wants to break up with you. I'm sorry Michelle. If it helps he said if you want to know why, he will tell you himself, are you okay Michelle?" She asked sincerely. While crying all I could think about was what I said to him yesterday. I didn't want to lose him, but he left  me anyways. "I'll just leave you alone, okay? Okay." Morgan said as she walked away. Bradley is my everything, my whole world and everything amazing in it. What am I gonna do without his support and without his amazing hugs and kisses? I'm officially lost. Nowhere left to go but down.
  I caught up with Bradley at the buses.
"Hey Bradley? Can I ask why now? Why you just dumped me out of the blue"? "Michelle I didn't do it to hurt your feelings, but I'm still in love with my ex". "Oh". I said still hurt. "Look Michelle I wouldn't take back our memories together. I hope we can still talk and be friends. I was hoping you weren't one of those girls who don't talk to their ex's like ever. I still like you I just need time to work things out for myself. Okay"? "Okay Bradley, I'll be your friend". "Well goodbye Michelle, I'll see you tomorrow". "Bye Bradley".

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