𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑠?

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The Next Day:
Y/N Pov:

'hm..' i grumbled as i got up from my bed and went downstairs i saw my mother and her boyfriend kissing

"Mom What The Hell-" i said as both of them jumped off eachother

"but sweetie don't you and the neighbors kid..?" your mother said "

no we don't ew" i said

"wait-y/n and the pink haired kid..?" mom's boyfriend/aiden said

"no we aren't!" I said as my face turns red

"𝑝𝑓𝑓𝑡~we're just kidding sweetie,your breakfast is on the table" mom said pointing to the table

i hummed as a response and went to the table

i hummed as a response and went to the table

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'wow!' I said in my thoughts clearly amazed

"wow who made this?" I asked

"well yours truly duh" aiden said confidently

my mom chuckles at his response

"this is amazing aiden:0" i said complimenting the food and aiden

"ofcourse it is>:))" aiden responded

"your so cocky aiden" mom said while smacking the back of his head
aiden winced at her action

"can ya'll stop flirting im trying to eat:]" i said disgusted

30 minutes later:

'AHHH where are my rings-!?' I said clearly panicked

i run downstairs to see my mother putting my rings in a box

"MOM,what are you doing!?" I said shocked by my moms actions

"oh im putting them away for a while" my mom said unbothered by the fact that i treasure it more than anything

"mom thats mine though.." i said upset

"sorry sweetie but im still putting them away you can get it back when your older" my mom said

"why!?" I said back

"hehe your gonna use these for your wedding ofcourse" my mom said

"huh?what wedding-?" I said confused

"for you and kusuo ofcourse!" my mom said happily which made heat rise up to my cheeks

"mommm we're both 16 isn't it to early to think about that?" I said fetching my bag

"better early than never sweetie" my mom said i clicked my tounge and said

"ok fine..im going to go to school you and aiden better not be doing anything" i said clearly upset that they're so cheesy

"i can't promise anything sweetie" my mom said as i went out of the house

"whatever bye.." i grumbled as i closed the door behind me

I headed to saiki's house and knocked on the door only to be met by mrs.saiki or kurumi

"oh!goodmorning y/n! Ku-chan! y/n's here for you!" kurumi said happily

"oh do you want to come in y/n?" kurumi asked me

"o-oh sure" i said as i went inside

"i think ku is already finished can you check on him y/n?" Kurumi asked

"ofcourse-!" I said as i went upstairs to kusuo's room

I opened the door and my eyes widened "AHHHH IM SORRY!!-" i said as i closed the door immediatly

'im such a pervert i saw saiki without a shirt' i said in my head

the door opened and i met saiki's eyes 'shit shit shit shit i can't even look at him' i said in my thoughts avoiding eye contact with saiki

Saiki K Pov:

'i can read y/n's thoughts?' i said in my thoughts i looked to y/n's hand she wasn't wearing her rings

'shit shit shit shit i can't even look at him' y/n thought

'𝑝𝑓𝑓𝑡~' i chuckled at her thoughts

"i-im sorry for uhm-" y/n stuttered

"its fine" i said giving her a side glance

"we'll be late lets go" i said while going downstairs,y/n followed me down

Timeskip To School:

'i wonder what saiki thinks about all the time..' y/n thought

'when i can go home' i thought

y/n looked at me wide eyed

i raised eyebrow
she mumbled something i didn't hear

'no that isn't possible..' y/n thought 'now im curious' i thought

Timeskip to lunch:D

I took y/n's hand and took her to a empty hallway

"what did you mean it isn't possible?" I asked y/n who didn't respond

"i-i uhm" y/n couldn't form words


y/n opened her mouth to speak "*sigh* your a psychic aren't you?"

what she said made my eyes widened

"how did you know..?" I said still shocked

"my father.." y/n responded

"your not gonna tell anyone right?" i said thinking she was going to tell everyone

"ofcourse not,you kept it a secret for a reason" y/n responded giving a small smile

"thanks.." i said

"no problem" y/n said before showing a soft smile

my heart skipped a beat

'whats happening to me..'

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now