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"And this is Alexia Peter. Everyone, Donna Beneviento and her doll Angie." Alcina introduced us, the doll giving me creepy looks.

"This is the bastard daughter of Mother Miranda?" Angie asked, exposing my secret.

"Wait, what?!" I heard Jill ask, the three lords looking at me in surprise.

"You hadn't told them-"

"That my real mother was the bitch we're hunting? No, Angie, I hadn't." I spit at the doll, who laughed and began running around.

"How the hell-"

"Decades ago, a man found our little village." Alcina began, cutting off Leon.

"Mother Miranda held him captive, used him for her own pleasure. Out of this fornication, a child was born. A daughter, who was already the spitting image of her demon mother." Alcina grinned at me, though I felt like my face was burning with anger as my friends moved away from me some.

"Mother Miranda didn't want this child, she wanted this daughter dead, so she charged the three of us with killing her unwanted infant. I was more than happy to kill the babe, but Donna and Karl insisted we send it away to the outside world. And so we did. Well, Karl did. He left her somewhere in a city. The young girl then went to America where she was raised as the daughter of a family, though we kept an eye on her. Mother Miranda never knew her bastard daughter lived, she never wanted this daughter to live." She explained and I heard Helena speak.

"Why? What made Miranda want to kill Alexia?" She asked and Alcina laughed.

"Because, dear, Alexia is probably the only person in existence that can kill Miranda." She said and I felt their eyes on me.

"How long have you known?" Chris asked and I took a deep breath.

"I've known five years that I was adopted, but I've only known for about three weeks now that Mother Miranda was my birth mother." I said and Donna spoke finally.

"Her birth father was used in Miranda's experiments, a necessary sacrifice to Miranda resurrecting the only child she's ever loved." She said and I sighed.

"Which brings me to why we're here." I said and the lords looked at me.

"We know Miranda supplied a company called The Connections with the mold she used on you three and Moreau. A friend of mine, his wife is a researcher with this organization and we believe she's locked away in an estate in Louisiana. The only problem is, the thing keeping her there is an experiment made from this mold." I said and Alcina nodded.

"You want to destroy the source, save your friend-"

"Kill Miranda, and free all of you possibly. That way, you can die if you'd like to or-or you can keep living without her dictating your lives." I said and Karl snorted.

"I'm in-"

"Of course you're the first to join, Heisenberg! Just like the loyal dog you are to this child-"

"I've watched over her most of her life!" He growled, the room going silent as I turned to glare at him.

"You were there?" I breathed, watching as he stepped back.

"Alexia, I was supposed to watch, not-"

"You were there, every time he came into my room?!" I snarled, standing and glaring at him.

"Child, please, if he had-"

"I ain't talking to you, vampire!" I spit at Alcina then saw she looked shocked as I glared at Karl again.

"How many times did you just sit there watching him, huh?! How many times did you watch as he beat me, tried to kill me, raped me?!" I yelled, going towards him, but Leon shot up and kept me from going closer.

"Alex, stop!" He breathed, catching my arms and forcing me to look at him.

"Look, they were watching over you, making sure you lived, but if that meant living in hell, then that's what it took! Besides, for all we know, your life was easier than it could have been thanks to these three!" He soothed, looking at the three lords.

"He has a point." I looked at Karl again and went to snap, but Donna spoke.

"When you were little, you received a doll from an estranged aunt." She said and, at my silence, continued.

"I sent you that doll, we used it to watch over you. Your friend is correct in the fact that we did protect you from the worst of that man, but there is only so much we could do without tipping off Mother Miranda or the Umbrella Corporation. Please, forgive us for what you did go through." She said and I saw the genuine apology in her eyes. I sighed then looked at Leon and nodded, who slowly let me go.

"I'm sorry, Alcina." I told the vampire, who nodded as I looked at Karl.

"Not you, asshole. Fuck you." I spit and sat back down, Leon sitting right next to me.

"Back to business, I suppose." Alcina said and smiled at me.

"If we're to destroy this mold core, what would that do to us? She used it to mutate us-"

"I honestly don't know, but maybe we don't need to destroy the core." I said and sighed.

"What if we killed her instead, leaving the core alive so that you could continue to live?" I asked and she seemed to think.

"That'd be a good win-win situation." Karl chimed, leaning on his hammer as Donna silently sat there, looking like a lost child.

"The problem would be the next Miranda wanna-be." Piers said and I smirked.

"I'm sure these three could stop that person." I said and Alcina gave me a deadly grin as Karl hefted his hammer onto his shoulders, Donna lifting Angie who was holding some seriously sharp scissors.

"Without a doubt, darling." Alcina said and I nodded once.

"We will need to keep Mother Miranda off of your trail." Donna said and I looked at her.

"Keep them somewhere she won't look for them." Karl said and shook his head.

"She already suspects me since I ain't the most loyal."

"I don't particularly trust those three not to kill them." Donna said, jabbing at the three daughters.

"So then you, Donna? At your house?" Alcina asked and Donna gave us a look.

"If they aren't afraid of dolls, I suppose-"

"Fuck no!" Jake jumped in, making me glare.

"Get over it, Donna's is the best hiding place." I said and looked a Donna.

"We will happily accept your offer, Miss Beneviento." I smiled, watching as her eyes widened slightly then she blushed bright red, nodding as if shy.

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