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I sat opposite Ruka, we were playing a game of cards before the roaring fire. She looked up the her cards and looked uneasy?

"Why are you so uncomfortable, Ruka?" I asked, putting my cards face-down and looked at her.

Ruka's mouth gaped open but then shut it, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't. I still felt empty inside, as though something should've been there.

I frowned and looked around the room, Takuma and Hanabusa were sat with books, but they didn't seem to be reading them. Their eyes were shifting between me and Kaname. Akatsuki sat next to me, secretly helping me beat Ruka.

Ruka caught his eye and gasped, "Hey! That's no fair, you can't help her."

I giggled as Akatsuki smirked at me, I shifted closer to him.

Ruka glared at Akatsuki and he shook his head, "Is that in the rules?"

She stuttered and threw down the cards, but a smile was on her face.

"I'm going to go upstairs, away from you." She joked, walking out of the room.

"Well, I definitely won. Thanks to my skills." I teased, watching Akatsuki gasp in mock offense.

"I think you mean my skills."

I shook my head and laughed, but I noticed Takuma narrowing his eyes at the redhead, who in return shook his head.

Akatsuki then took my hand and pulled me upwards, so I was standing next to his tall figure. Kaname glanced up from us at his chess board and scowled.

We had broken the blood bond a few days ago, but I couldn't remember who he was. What we were, if he meant anything to me. Akatsuki took my hand and led me towards the door, but my eyes still stayed on Kaname's figure. His eyes found mine, and we stayed like that for a while. 

It was just... empty.

Akatsuki tugged me away from the room and we headed out into the garden, walking through the garden, the hedges were neatly cut, the gravel crunching beneath our feet.

"Step away from my daughter, boy." My father ordered, daring one more step forward.

I found myself clinging onto the boy next to me, not wanting to be separated from him.

"I will not, Ouri." The boy said in a too-calm voice, I could feel the burning rage simmering just below the surface.

"You don't think I can't smell the damn blood bond on you both! You thought you could hide it from me, Kuran?" Father stated, his golden eyes could've incinerated us both on the spot if they could.

Kaname Kuran, that was the name of the boy holding me close.

"Daughter, step away from that boy." He barked, holding out a hand to me.

"No, I won't. You can't force me to choose!" I yelled, frowning at the man in front of me.

"Fine then," he drawled "have it your way."

Two sudden hands grappled onto my waist and dragged me away from the Kaname, a broken cry coming from me as I was ripped away from where I felt safest. Two more guards grabbed Kaname and forced him onto his knees, his head forced up to watch whatever would commence soon.

A snarl ripped from his throat as he watched the two guards drag me further from him, a panicked cry came from my mouth, not knowing what they would do to me.

"If you hurt her! I'll-"

I jolted suddenly, as the memory tore into my brain.

We had formed the blood bond when we were younger, but my father forced us apart?


My brain ached and Akatsuki looked down at me in concern.

"Are you alright?"

I plastered a grin on my face and nodded, "I'm fine. Are you alright?"

Akatsuki frowned in confusion and looked back towards my father's mansion, I tilted my head and watched as he gritted his teeth.

"I think we should get back." He answered, waiting for me to walk next to him. I nodded and we walked together to the back door, my hand brushing his. Akatsuki smirked down at me and I bumped my hip against his, causing a small chuckle.

"You're so strange." He said, and I smiled up at him.

"That's a compliment." I answered, as we entered the house, I noticed Kaname was about to walk up the stairs, his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of us. Akatsuki stiffened and stepped closer to me, his eyes glaring at Kaname.

I looked in-between the two vampires, sensing the sharp tension emanating from them. I walked forward with a polite smile on my face. Even if I couldn't remember him, I could sense that I knew him in a way I never had before, and him with me. Kaname's eyes tore away from Akatsuki and settled on me, softening slightly.

"Hi, would you like to join us in the-"

"No, he wouldn't." Akatsuki's voice gritted out, closing the distance between us. The corner of Kaname's mouth tipped upwards, he walked away from the stairs and stepped closer to Akatsuki and I. 

"And how would you know that, Akatsuki?" He said quietly, his voice sending shivers over my bones, his eyes boring into my own. 


"Why don't you leave Y/N alone for a little while, you're like a lost dog, following her around." He taunted, Akatsuki glared but stepped backwards, probably feeling the force of a Purebloods command. He quickly left the room, leaving me alone with the vampire.

"I want to know who you are." Kaname told, getting straight to the point.

"I'm not sure who you are, we-"

"We made a bloodbond, I've been having more and more memories of you, and I'm sure you've been experiencing the same thing." He added, I stepped back but he quickly closed the difference, taking hold of my elbow gently.

Sparks flew up and down my arm, and I looked down at his hand, my eyes widening. They glanced back to his, to see his eyes triumphant. Pulling my arm away, I stepped closer to him, until there was barely any space left between us.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I hissed out, ignoring the nervous feeling from being so close to him. 

Kaname moved his lips to my ear, brushing it softly, his fingers tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I was frozen, being so close to him felt so familiar. Like we were supposed to be like this.

"You will." He whispered softly, then he was gone, speeding up the stairs and away from me. I felt empty, but now it was for an entirely different reason. 

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