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"Y/N! You're going to be late for the Day Class!" The HeadMaster called from the kitchen, probably in one of his unique aprons.

I groaned, rolling out of bed, my hair probably sticking out everywhere. Sunlight came through the windows, my eyes squinting as the sun hit them, blinding me.

Looking over at the other bed opposite the room, I saw Yuki, my 'sister'. I liked Yuki, however she could be a bit annoying at times.

"Yuki... Yuki, wake up." I called to the sleeping figure, she rolled over and opened her eyes, the fact was clear that she was exhausted. She was apart of the Disciplinary Committee, so was Zero, and they had been on patrol watching the Cross Academy since the school year started.

"Good morning, Y/N." Yuki whispered, her voice hoarse from her slumber, slipping out of bed, she pattered across the floor towards the door. I did the same, my feet touching the cool, smooth floor.

Walking to the door, I smelt a nice aroma coming from the kitchen. Father was most likely cooking to feed a whole army, but it was only for himself, Zero, Yuki and me.

Yukon and I were talking while making our way to the kitchen, where we discovered that our father was wearing one of his interesting aprons.

"Good morning!" His voice spread cheerfulness and I couldn't help but smile affectionately at him.

"Morning, Father." I said, sneakily taking a morsel of the food sizzling in the pan, Kaien noticed but didn't say anything. However his body shot up, his head hitting the counter as he was looking into a cupboard.

"You called me Father!" He said happily, his glasses glinting in the sunlight.

Yuki and I giggled, sitting at the table and starting to eat the food set on the table. A new person walked into the room, Zero. Me and Zero rarely talked, he didn't really take an interest in me so I just ignored him. He only really talked to Father and Yuki, not that I minded.

Day Classes

The teacher at the front of the class was drawling on about some maths question. I was severely bored, already knowing how to solve these types of questions. Sighing, I picked up my pencil and doodled as nearly everybody else was focused. The only other person who wasn't listening was Zero, he was just staring out of the window, with-drawn from the class.

"Y/N." Yuki whispered across to me, we were sat together.

"Yeah?" I asked, dropping the pencil.

"Shouldn't you be doing the work?" Yuki questioned, no longer focusing on her own notes. The only reason she's been trying hard to because she's not exactly the best at maths.

"I already know how to do this, what's the point of learning something I already know how to do." I said, rolling my eyes in frustration.

"But surely you should still put effort in. Remember what HeadMaster said, practice makes perfect." Her face split into a smile as she talked, her eyes closed in content.

I hummed underneath my breath and laid my head on the desk, closing my eyes and waiting for the lessons to finally end.

The end of class

"Thank god that's over." I muttered under my breath, walking ahead of Zero and Yuki who were quietly talking.

"Y/N, we have to patrol the walk of the Night class, wanna come with?" Yuki yelled after me, making me turn around. I smiled, nodded and waited for the pair to catch up. Zero's eyes were caught in the sun, making them gleam.

"You should see the girls when the Night Class are coming out of their dorm, it's crazy." Yuki said whilst giggling, Zero remained tight-lipped while I smiled softly.

"I mean, can you blame them?" I said, smirking.

The majority of the Night Class were good-looking enough but Kaname Kuran was on another level, even I couldn't deny it. His brown locks that ended at his neck, his brown eyes with reddish streaks of color in them, his height, his polite way of speech. Kaname was no doubt the best looking boy there.

Not that I liked him, but even I can't deny true beauty...

Before I was even outside the gates of the Night Class dorm, I could hear the almost terrifying screams of the fangirls crowding around the gates.

"Too late again." Yuki said, hurrying in front of the gates, trying to push the girls out of the way.

Zero and I just stood at the sidelines, watching the crowd of insane girls, and the school rep, were endlessly screaming as the gates of the dorm opened up, revealing the beautiful people of the Night Class.

With a small smile, I watched as the crowd formed two neat lines either side of the gate, Yuki looking slightly embarrassed. Turning around, she saw the group of Night Class members and said "Proceed."

They walked forward as the girls tried to gain the attention of each member, some basking in the attention more than others. Kaname just walked forward, intent on passing the troublesome crowd.

However, Zero thought it would be funny to push me into the male walking past. It wasn't a hard shove, but it was enough to make me fall into the hard chest of the tall boy in front of me. Looking up, I saw Kaname look down at me, staring at me as if he was trying to figure me out.

"Uh, sorry, Kaname. Zero pushed me and-" I started to say.

"It's quite alright, Y/N. I see that it wasn't your fault." Kaname said gently to me, pushing me away from his chest softly.

"Uh, alright. I'll see you around." I said, quickly turning around and glaring at Zero who was smirking.

"You little-" I said as I dragged Zero away by his collar.

Kaname smiled gently "I'll look forward to it, Y/N." He then continued walking as we went our separate ways.

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