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It had been a week since I had been transferred to the Night Class and the only times I had left on my own were when I was asleep, since I had my own room. Which was right next to Kaname's.

He had made sure that I hadn't left his sight for more than 5 minutes when I was in classes, I was getting too overwhelmed with him and started to get annoyed, trying to get as much freedom as I could.

I was now sat in the front room with Ruka, Rima, Akatsuki, Takuma and Senri. I had gotten quite friendly with each of them and valued their friendship, sharing jokes and asking for their opinion. I had no idea if they were friends with me because I was a pureblood or they actually liked me, but I hoped it was the second reason.

"So Y/N, how do you feel being a vampire?" Takuma asked, looking at me from the opposite sofa. Everyone looked at me, making me fiddle with my hands.

"Umm, it's better than what I thought it would be, I'm loving the glow-up." I said, looking down and smiling.

Everyone chuckled and the tension of the room lessened. I was between Akatsuki and Ruka with Rima, Senri and Takuma opposite us all.

"You were beautiful before your transformation." A voice said from a doorway. Everyone's head turned to see Kaname in a black unbuttoned shirt with black trousers on. I immediately blushed and casted my eyes down, feeling the redness spread across my cheeks.

"I think we should go. Come on everyone." Takuma said, standing up and walking to the stairs.

Akatsuki frowned and looked at me.

"Will you be alright?" He asked, reaching out to touch my shoulder but a glare from Kaname told him not to.

Over the past week, I've learnt that even though Kaname is overprotective, Akatsuki is just as protective; he made sure that no one treated me with disrespect and he's even warned Kaname about hurting me. Akatsuki has been known to not care about a lot of things, but to me, there's so many layers underneath him, you just have to break through the first couple of tough ones to actually get through to him.

I smiled at him and shook my head softly "I'll be fine, Akatsuki. Go ahead, I'll speak to you later." I touched his elbow then turned to Kaname, smiling softly at him.

Akatsuki frowned but left the room, being the last to leave. Once his footsteps had subsided, Kaname walked closer to me and gave me a small smile.

"Hello, Y/N." He said, standing over me.

"Hi, and thanks for that... compliment earlier. That was nice." I said softly, sitting back down on the sofa and looking up at him. "Sit down." I said, pulling his body towards me so he sat down heavily on the sofa beside me.

Can I talk to you about something?" He asked, his hands in his lap.

"Sure, I'm all ears." I said, putting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes, breathing slowly and listening intently.

"I don't like the way Akatsuki keeps trailing after you, he's getting too close to you." Kaname said, looking at his hands. "It's like he has some attachment to you, I hate it. It unsettles me whenever your alone with him-"


"Because, I feel like he has feelings for you and I don't know if you feel the same way." Kaname muttered, frowning.

I giggled, Kaname looked down at me with his reddish-brown eyes.

"Aww, someone's jealous." I said, pinching his cheeks. Kaname gently swatted my hands away and shook his head.

"It's not jealousy! It's...  I don't know.." He said, his voice lowering at the end of his sentence.

"Well, there's no need to worry." I said, patting his knee before getting up from the sofa.

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