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A 6 HOUR history class 101 by Drew, the last thing I heard was "JFK was going into the car -" when I drifted off to sleep.

Yet when I woke for the second time again, the boredom has surely gone real, I mean, I worked twelve hours at the store, but this six-hour flight makes me want to jump on my seat and dance macarena.

Drew brought a book, a Charles Dickens' one, and I got jealous, so I asked If I can borrow it.

I pressed my lips into thin line and waited for his answer. He glanced quickly next to me then back to the Bleak House Novel.

"Why didn't you bring a book?" He responded, still not looking in my direction. He's just reading peacefully, I suppose. My eyes traveled from his eyes, down his nose and lips, then up to his hair again, and stared there for seconds.

But quickly quit it when I realized what I have just done, leaning my head back on the seat and sighed. "I forgot,"

He didn't answer for a mere second, so I just took that as a no. I looked around the plane and watched other people's states of being: sleeping, watching movies, and - reading.

"You know, it will be a long flight, and bringing a book is the first thing you were supposed to remember," He added coldly.

I breathed heavily and didn't answer him. Drew seems to noticed as he shifted his attention on mine. He sighed and frowny ruffled his hair on my shoulder, mumbling the word "Sorry"

A grin broke across my lips, "It's fine." I felt him smile below and softly hand the book on my lap. "I'll just sleep here," He drowsily said, while comfortably leaning on my shoulders.

I slightly turned my head forward to look at him and felt my stomach turn. I watched him finally drifting to sleep with a wide smile on my lips. God, I really like this Man. I mentioned in my mind, which caused him to smirk with his sealed eyes.


TOUCH DOWN London, we are insane! The very first step we took outside the airport caused us to yell at our place, which earned us an annoyed look from the people.

We had a hard time hailing a cab, and I suddenly remembered the blog I read before, entitled - Hailing A Ride at the Airport is a Big Bitch.

I surely did enjoy reading that.

When we finally had a Cab, we mentioned our hotel destination and proceeded to enjoy the view of London. It was my first time here, and I was so amazed at the double-decker bus! and the structures of the buildings - classy. I keep on pointing stuff and tell Drew about it even though he can see it as well. He, however, just watched and laughs at me.

After minutes of driving, we arrived at the hotel. Drew and I stepped out as he helped carrying my luggage. My eyes went to read the cards given by the travel agent to check if it was really the hotel. We started walking inside and I found myself fascinated by the massively high ceiling entrance.

"Am I really seeing a mural?" I asked, still looking up with stars on my eyes.

Drew leaned closer and whispered, "You are" In my ear.

I really am seeing it.

When we reached the reception table, I asked Drew to just wait for me in the corner as I took care of the card that opens the hotel room. I don't want him mind-controlling the receptionist to only provide one room and suggest sharing.

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