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"Ok..." Pansy said trying to calm down. She had just asked out Blaise and then she ran for it. "Did he say anything?" I said. "I told you. He'd never like me back." "That's not true. Blaise had confided with Draco and Draco told me that Blaise likes you." "Did he?" But before I could say anything, the door opened and Blaise came in. "Pansy? Why'd you run?" "I'll leave you guys to it." I said closing the door behind me. I went to the Common Room to find Draco. He wasn't there but I knew where he was. I went up to the seventh floor. I opened the door to the Room of Requirement. "Draco?" I said closing the door behind me. I went to the Vanishing Cabinet. "You found me." Draco said rubbing his temples. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." I repeated the charm over and over again. I turned around holding the apple. Our first completely successful charm. "Draco.." I said holding up the apple. "It worked." He said slowly. "I am so glad you helped me." Draco said hugging me. "Next step to kill Dumbledore." He said looking serious. "Have you forgotten our date?" I asked him. "Of course not. It can be a celebration  for successfully doing the charm." Draco said. 

After Our Date...

I was walking back to Hogwarts when I heard a scream shatter the air. I ran as fast as I could towards the noise. A girl was lying in the snow with another girl saying, "I told her not to touch it." I recognized the girl lying on the ground. She was a Gryffindor Chaser, Katie Bell. The other trio was Harry, Hermione and Ron. Hagrid picked up the girl and walked towards the castle. I ran forward to see the package. "Don' touch the necklace,  on'y  touch the wrappin'." Hagrid called out. I sqautted down along with the golden trio to open the package. There was a necklace inside it. Wait.. I recognize that necklace! It was one from Borgin and Burkes! I immediately decided to confront Draco. I ran back to the castle passing Professor Snape. I went to the seventh floor. "Draco!" I yelled. "Hi." "Come with me now!" I said pulling him into the Room. "Draco, we were supposed to be in this together!" I said. "What you on about?" He asked completely confused. I told him all about what happened in Hogsmeade after he left. "She wasn't supposed to touch the necklace." He protested.  "You should have told me! Don't you understand? It's bad enough that my father is making you.." I clapped my hand to my mouth. Oh no.. I just told my deepest secret. "Your father.." Draco said. I could almost see his brain calculating. "My lady." He said bowing down. This was pretty funny. I raised one of my eyebrows at him. "I'm at your service." He said. "You can be at my service by taking the formality away from your face." I said. We both laughed at this. "We good again?" Draco said leading both of us to the Slytherin Common Room. "Yeah." I said putting my head on his shoulder.

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