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After talking about the concert the girls started to practice again. They're seriously practicing when someone entered the room.

"Anneong! Can we watch you while practicing? We will be silent don't worry." Jimin said while smiling at them

Samantha agreed and they continue practicing. She feel uncomfortable because of the thought that someone is staring at her. She really feel it that there's someone staring at her.

She stop moving and turn around quickly. And she spotted Jimin staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me, look I can't focus on practicing because of the feel that someone is staring at me behind!" She said irritatedly

"What's your problem Mr?" She added in frustration.

"You're cute baby girl don't be mad I've just amazed on how you move. It's smooth and almost perfect!" He said behind of him controlling not to laugh.

"Thanks for the compliment but stop staring at me that way it's not comfortable it's irritating" this time she's calm while taking

"And stop calling me baby girl, you're not my brother anyway!"

"You don't even have a brother" Jhoy said to her

"Ow, so you don't have a brother? What if you make us your brothers?" It's Namjoon with that cute dimples on.

"You know what our maknae is just tired but she's sweet and cute everytime she's full of energy"
Samantha said

Everyone agrees on Samantha's compliment to her. Yeah maybe she's just tired that's why she's attitude is different today.

"Wanna eat together with use girls? I'll cook for all of us." Jin ask

"It's great since it's already 5pm maybe we can continue our practice later after dinner." Samantha agreed with Jin

Samantha is the leader of their band. She's the girl who never stop to pursued her dreams. At the age of 25 she have a lot of achievement in life.

"So see you at the dinning room of this building"Jin said and they leave the dance room.

" See you in a bit baby girl" Jimin tease her again with that baby girl endearment.

"YAH!" this man is irritating her really .

After making their self presentable, they go to the dinning room. Y/N is just silent while walking.

"Hey! are you ok?" This Luize talking to her

"Ne, unnie! I'm just tired and sleepy."

"After eating you may rest at the dance room." It's Kristine this time

" You always give your best on every practice that's why you feel that! You're abusing your self Y/N, it's not good!" Xylene talk this time

This girl really love her, they don't want her to get tired, to feel alone, they always wanted the best for her. As the maknae she feel the safety on her band mates they treated them as if she's really their younger sister. And Y/N I'd thankful for that.

They reach the dinning area. Jimin is in the door giving them a smile while leading them to the dinning table.

"Why you look so tired baby girl?" Jimin ask her.

"Ne, majayo! I'm tired so stop annoying me JIMINAHHHHH!" she loudly spoke and everyone now are all eyes on her.

"Did you just call him Jiminah? Armys use to call Jimin that way." Hoseok said in surprised.

"I'M AN ARMY SO WHAT'S THE MATTER!" She almost shouting and in frustration she spilled out that she's a fan of them.

" You're an ARMY?" It's Namjoon this time and lips parted in surprised.

"I can't believe it, you're an ARMY" it's taehyung

Everyone is surprised except on this one guy how always silent. The old man Yoongi as always his quiet.

"So who's your Bias on us?" It's Jungkook

"Doesn't matter you know!" She said irritatedly again.

"It's Jimin and the good Bias wrecker Hoseok and Yoongi" Xylene spilled out her biases.

"YAH!" she stared at Xylene sharply.

"So I'm your bias huh!" Jimin smile at her

"So what, it doesn't matter you know! Stop annoying me please I'm getting uncomfortable on you all!" She said frustratedly

" I'm not even talking why you aren't comfortable with me?" It's Yoongi who talk.

That baritone voice she almost died after hearing him talking. Aish this is making her more frustrated and uncomfortable.

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