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Everyone are silent while waiting for Y/N to woke up. Yoongi can't still believe on what happen, Y/N look so miserable. What more if she find out that she lost their baby.

" I don't know what to do now baby! I'm scared, I'm so scared on what will you gonna react on what happened!" Yoongi start to cry again.

" Yoongi hyung it won't help if you keep on crying!" Taehyung

" Y-yoongi!"

" Oh god! Baby your awake, what are you feeling? Is there anything hurt? Tell me?"

" I'm o-ok! H-how's our baby?"

" B-baby I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Yoongi cried again.

"N-no! No tell me that our baby is ok! No! Yoongi! no!" Y/n shouted and start to cry. " My baby! No please tell me that my baby is ok! Tell me!"

" Y/n calm down! Please calm down!" Jimin said and hold her." Listen to me, Yoongi hyung and you are both in pain but you both need to be strong! You lost your baby Y/N but please this is not the end of life so calm yourself! Both of you, how can you handle the situation if you'll keep on crying!"

" This is Zein's fault! She will pay for this!" Yoongi is about to go out of the hospital room.

" Min Yoongi! Don't you dare step out, I swear you won't see Y/N again! Do you think by hurting Zein will bring the baby back? No Yoongi, you'll just going to make the situation even worse!" Seokjin

" Seokjin hyung is right! You both need to fix yourself and prepare for the cases you'll file for Zein! Being angry won't help you both! Collect yourself and think properly!" Namjoon

" I lost my baby! My baby! How could I calm down and just seat here with this dextrose on me! The pain is killing me! My Baby bring back my baby!" Y/N shouted again and cry even harder.

" Please Princess calm down! Listen to us, you're still not ok! You may be in danger again if you won't stop!" Taehyung

" How would I calm down? Tell me? The pain is killing me! I lost my baby and you want me to calm down how could you!"

" Y/N we know that you're in pain right now! But do you think seeing you like that makes us ok? No Y/N we're so worried about you! We're so mad about what Zein did to you! But being like that won't help Y/N!"  Seokjin

" Baby I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that I didn't protect you!" Yoongi hold Y/N's hand. " Please forgive me baby! I'm so sorry!"

Y/n just cry, she can't believe that she lost her baby. Yoongi hugged her they both cry, the pain was so unbearable! This is the worst thing happened in their relationship.

" I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you and our baby! I'm so sorry Y/N please forgive me on everything!"

" It's Zein's fault! She ruined everything! But I also have my mistake here, I didn't believe you! I didn't listen to you, maybe if I do I didn't lost our baby! If I believe in you this won't happen! I'm sorry Yoongi, I'm sorry if I doubt you." Y/N still crying

" Shh! Baby it's not your fault, I understand why you hated me! I lied and I've been not honest to you. I'm so sorry for breaking you trust but believe me baby I didn't want to hurt you!"

Y/n hugged Yoongi.

" Promise me you won't leave me again! Stay with me Yoongi! I can't bear if I will also lost you!"

" I will baby! I will!"

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