Annoying Morning

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Y/N never imagined that she'll be leaving alone without her Unnies. Everything had changed, her new home is so huge for her leaving in there alone. She never had a chance to talk to her Unnies before she moved to this house. And it breaking her heart for this past few days.

A knock on the door!

" Coming!" She open the door to see who's outside and as usual it's Jimin with his smiling eyes. "What to you need this time Jiminssi?"

" Nothing just wanna visit my baby girl, is Yoongi hyung there?"

" No his in his unit! Are you going to ask me again with so many questions here?"

" You're not even welcoming me to come in Y/N you're always rude at me! I'm your best friend aish! I'm really getting jealous with Yoongi hyung!"


" I'm just saying you know!"

" Stop pouting omo!"

" Am I cute when I pout?"

" What ever, come in and close the door! I'm cooking and you're disturbing me again!"

" Aw! Your words Y/N! I just came to visit and here you are telling me that I'm a disturbance to you!"

" Stop or I'll kick you out of my house?"

" Ok sorry, I'll behave now!"


Y/N is busy cooking when she heard another knock on her door.

" Jiminssi can you check who's knocking?"

Jimin get up on his seat and go to check who's on the door.

" Jeykey! V!"

" We thought Y/N is the one who'll open? But I can't see anyone? Who do you think is the one who opened the door Taehyungssi?" Jungkook playing games with Jimin again

" Silly! Y/N where are you princess?" Taehyung just come inside without answering Jungkook who's want to annoy Jimin again!

" I'm here at the kitchen Taehyung oppa!"

" Here you are! The two is busy fighting! To early for their games aish! What are you cooking do you need help?"

" No I can handle this oppa, wanna join me for breakfast too?"

" Sure why not! Where's Yoongi hyung?"

" At his house, his tired I think that's why he's still not here! How's your practice?"

" It's fine Y/N and you are you ok now?"

" Not really oppa I missed my unnies a lot it's been 6 days since I moved here! I didn't even had a chance to talk to them!"

" They're also missing you Y/N, don't worry everything will be fine soon!"

" Don't think so, I still can't go out oppa I'm already getting bored here! Yoongi doesn't want me to go out! His really getting into my nerves!"

" His just thinking of your safety Y/N! Don't worry I'll tell him to bring you at the practice later?"

" As if he'll listen to you! Done call the two kiddos let's eat together!"

After preparing they hear another knock on Y/N's door.

" Yoongi hyung!"

" What are you doing here you three?"

" Visiting Y/N!" Jungkook

" And will eat breakfast here!" Jimin

" I talk to her the whole time while she's cooking because she's bored! Care to bring her at the practice later so she'll be able to see other view from outside of this house?" Taehyung

" You three get out, I'll talk to her!"

"NO!" The three shouted together

" Yoongi let them stay! We're going to eat breakfast together!"

" And how about me Y/N?"

" You can join if you want!" Y/N just turned her back to Yoongi and go back to the kitchen.

She still hear them arguing and after a moment they got to the dinning table and eat together silently.

" Do you want to go with us Y/N?" Yoongi ask her

" No thanks! Jungkook and Jimin can you wash the dishes I'll go to bed I need to rest? Please lock the door when you leave."

" Sure Y/N!" Jimin

" Thank you!"

Y/N leave the dinning area and go straight to her room! She's really mad at Yoongi for not talking to her last night for no reason.

"That old man really getting into my nerves!"

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