1. |PILOT|

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Monday, January 7th 2023.

London, UK.

6:00 p.m. It was pouring rain.


<<Coming!!!>> said a brunette woman running down the stairs. <<Oh my God, Catalina! How long has it been!>>were the words that came out of her mouth when she realized the red-haired girl, standing in front of her door, was her childhood best friend.

<<Hi Audrei, so nice to see you. OH MY GOD, WORST DAY EVER! YOU CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME.>> she continued while throwing the bags she was holding on the floor and sitting on the couch.

<<Ok, calm down now. Let me close the door and prepare two cups of coffee, even if you probably need a beer, then you can tell me what happened>> said Audrei with a big bright smile on her face.

<<You know me so well... but this will totally surprise you>>

<<Let me judge>> she said chuckling.

<<Wow it's so cold in winter in the UK>>

<<Here, hold this hot cup; tell me, what happened?>>

<<Take a deep breath, this is gonna be a long story. First of all I GOT A JOB IN F1>>



Karting track.

<<DAAD!! I am booored>>

<<Come on Audrei, go sit with that girl with the Red Bull t-shirt>>

<<But I like Ferrari!>> the girl said whining.

<< Come on don't be dull, go now, i have to work for another couple of hours and then we can go home.. your mum made lasagna for dinner>>

<<Hi, I am Audrei. What's your name?>> asked to the girl in Italian <<Catalina>> answered the other <<Who's your favourite driver?>>

<< Sebastian Vettel and yours?>>

<<Michael Schumacher... but I like Vettel too!>>

<<Then we have something in common!>>

<< I am going to be a reporter for F1TV; but back to this damned day: the plane arrived two hours late so I missed my train, I had to take a cab that costs me way too much, and that's not even the worst! I was ready to move into the new house, my stuff was already there...>>

<<AUDREIIII!>> said a male voice << Why is there a truck in my driveway?>>

<<What d'you mean?>> said the brunette.

* beep beep beep *

<< That's what I meant>> said a guy with curly, dark-blonde hair and blue eyes running down the stairs.

Both of them turn to face the redhead.

<<Yeeaaah... well... I've been scammed... and now I need a place to stay>>

Audrei and the guy looked at each other and then she said << I supposed you can stay here for a while>>

<< Thank you so much, I promise I will find a house soon>>

<< Ehm ehm, remember that the house is mine too... I'd like to know who lives here>> said the boy

<< Oh right, this is Catalina, my childhood female best friend; Catalina, this is Henry Richard Hughes, I think you already know who he is>>

The redhead got up, patted the Brit on the shoulder and said << Thanks man, you just owned a friend in the press>>, then she went outside and started moving in, << you're not my friend>> he mumbled.


Henry and Audrei looked at each other.

<< Who is it now??>> scoffed the Brit; rolling her eyes, the girl went to open the door saying <<Haven't you got it yet? Our house is an hotel>>

In front of her there were Javier Morales and Park Alexandre Min.

Upstairs Catalina was unpacking, when she heard a known voice. As she recognize it she run down the stairs yelling <<Javier! Cabròn che ci fai qui?? (what are you doing here man?) >>

<< What are YOU doing here?>> asked the Spaniard smiling.

<< Long story...>>interjected Audrei.

<<We wanted to see you guys before the season starts.. you know... to spend some time together and get to know each other better.>> said Min catching a glimpse of Audrei walking to the kitchen and blushing a bit under the fair skin.

<< Come on, help us unpack since you're here guys>>

After almost an hour of talking and tidying, the redhead was putting a glass on the kitchen counter when it fell and crashed on the ground << Oh jeez sorry!>>

<<Ugh, 5 minutes in my house and she's already making a mess>> said Henry.

<<C'mon Henry, don't be that hard! She's my best friend>> yelled Javier.

<<Wait what?>> and to the girl <<Why do you have to steal all my friends?>>

<<Guys, stop arguing and come here with us>> Audrei said from the other room.

Once they were all on the couch together Min took word <<So, how d'you guys met? I am so confused>>

<<It all started back in 2012, I was on vacation with my family in Mallorca, I was canoeing and someone bumped into me. I was very mad and I cursed him in Italian but he understood so we apologized and talk it out immediately. We found out we had a lot in common and to make it up to me, that evening he invited me and my family to a cook out at his mansion; after that night we spent the rest of the holiday together and we remained in touch until now. What about you?>> explained Catalina.

The brunette and the Korean glanced at each other and chuckled, then she said:

<< Well, we work together... Surprise guys, I got a job in Ferrari... I'll be the intern of his personal doctor for the season. Yes yes I know what you're about to say, I am not graduated yet but they already know me there so I easily got the job>>

<< Tell them about your first day>> said Min with a smirk.

<<Okay okay, when I first arrived in Maranello I didn't know where to go but this young man approached me, I explained him what I was there for and he helped me out. I got into the boss' office and he introduced me to the others, even if I already knew most of them, and then he walked me to my office where Min was waiting and I thanked him for the help.>>

<< And you Henry, how do you know Audrei?>> asked Javier curious.

<<My mum is her mum best friend>> he explained in a few words and then as if he wanted to made the concept clear he added <<We have always been best friends>>

<<Oh, that was easy..>> Min commented

<<Audrei, remember when we met in 2015? What a fantastic year has it been>> said Javier with a little smile.

<< Yes it was actually a good year...>>

<< What happened in 2015?>> asked Henry.

<<Let's keep this for another time boys>> she said taking a sip of beer

<< C'mon tell us!!>> whined Catalina.

<<Nope I wont tell a thing>> answered the half Italian glancing at Javier holding their laugh.

<<GOD I HATE SUSPANCE>> said both Min and Catalina.

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