Chapter One - New Beginnings

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England - May 24th 2015

"Coral?" Ms. Edgeworth hollered through the corridor

"Be down in a tick Ms. Edgeworth!"

Coral finished packing the last of the boxes. She sat up and sighed in relief, wiping a droplet of sweat off her forehead. She walks down the hallway reaching the stairwell.

"Coral, Odlid has been in the bin again."

Ms. Edgeworth sounded unsurprised, and Coral couldn't help but snort at her dog's usual behaviour.

Odlid, was Coral's dog, she has had him ever since he was a pup. Odlid is the type of dog who destroys everything in sight

Coral ran down the stairwell bumping into Ms. Edgeworth.

"Oh hello darling, happy twentieth birthday love!"

Coral tensed up as Ms. Edgeworth's wet lips met Corals forehead. The strong smell of tea hit Corals nostrils, so she pulled away

" Gah, thanks Miss E."

Miss Edgeworth cleared her throat.

"Oh love, you've grown so much."

She smiled and tears started to twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh Miss E, no need to cry."

Coral cupped her hand on Ms. Edgeworths cheek.

"It's been fourteen years love, I'll miss you Coral."

"No need to miss me. I'll write as much as I can Ms. E."

Coral picked up Odlid, and went back upstairs.

She stood in front of the mirror, trying on different vests she owned. She slipped on a black checkered vest, a stark contrast to her milky white complection. She brushed her mocha coloured hair, and put it into a fine braid.

Other kids in the same corridor as Coral helped her bring boxes down to the cab.

"They sure will miss you, Coral," Ms. Edgeworth said.

"Yeah, they'll miss my toys."

"Oh, that business of yours will go far in America."

After all the farewells have been said, Coral and Odlid were on their way to the airport.

"Where are you headed?" The cabbie grunted.

"Oh, uhm the airport." Coral said shyly

"I know that, the warden gave me all
the details, but where from then on?"


The cabbie scoffed, "Why in the bloody hell would you want to go there?"

"My mum, uh, she was born there."

The cabbie looked at Coral through the rearview mirror.
He saw that Coral tensed up when she mentioned her mother. He decided to not say anything more.

On the way to the airport, Coral looked out the window the whole drive there. It had recently started to sprinkle but Coral continued to take in all the scenery, trying to keep as much of her homeland in her memory as possible. She started to wonder what the states might look like.

Odlid started to whimper. Coral thought to herself, if he can't handle this drive, how is he going to handle the flight? Just then the cabbie announced the airport was straight ahead. Coral half smiled, nervous and excited for the trip. The cabbie got the bright pink kennel out of the trunk. Coral's stomach started to churn, she helped Odlid into the kennel. An assistant was waiting ready to take Odlid and put him in the cargo hold.

Coral was twiddling her fingers in anxiety when a sharp pain on the back of her head brought her attention to man behind her. She whirled around quickly exclaiming a loud "Oi" the lad clicked his tongue making a "Tch" noise.

"Elie! Do you know what day it is?" Coral squealed

"The day we go to America.." He said arrogantly

Coral sighed, "Yes Elie, but it's also my birthday."

"And?" Elie dragged on.

"Did you get me anything?" Coral asked

" Just because we're friends dose not make me obligated to get you a gift."
Elie responded.

Coral let out a shakey breath still worrying for her four legged companion.

"Hey, he'll be okay." Elie surprisingly

"Are you sure?" Coral pulled at her friends tucked in powder blue button up shirt. She saw Elie tense, probably worrying if his shirt became uneven. She saw his hand reach for the hand sanitizer in his back pocket, hisself muttering about the uncleanliness of the airport.

"Odlid will be fine. Stop being stupid."

His usual blunt responses calmed Coral, and she straightened up. Elie was short, standing only one hundred sixty centimetres, Coral toward over Elie at one hundred seventy centimetres, she noticed a misplaced raven hair on the top of his head. She flattened it for him, telling him what she was doing.

"Thanks." He muttered, smoothing his hair even further. Coral smiled fondly at the Japanese man. He was straightening his cravat now, then looked down to inspect his polished shoes. "Dust." he deadpanned.

"It will be fine." she mocks. Coral grips her carry-on tighter, why was she feeling so nervous about this? Maybe it was the idea of being in the states, or finally living by herself, or maybe it was because no one there would know how to make decent tea?! She took a deep breath, she shouldn't be worrying about tea.

The smell of chips wafted over to her and Elie, the tall brunette was momentarily distracted. Was she sure about America? Yes, her mum had grew up there, maybe she could find relatives, but what if it was a bust? What if all she found was broken dreams and bad memories? A hand tapped hers, and Coral looked into the steel-grey eyes of Elie. His unspoken support was there, and that was all she needed. She felt her shoulders go lax, and her knuckles less strained.

Heading towards the gates, the two friends were each setting their things in the totes to send through the scanner. Finishing up, and putting back on her simple trainers, the deep and angry sounds of Elie starting an argument made her smile. She turned her head to see Elie gesticulating with the large bottle of hand sanitizer. Odds were that he could not take the bottle on the plane. Just then the intercom buzzed, a lady's voice echoed through the speakers. Announcing to the passengers boarding the flight to New York, New York will be soon taking off.

Coral hurried knowing that her friend would follow, even if it meant sacrificing his beloved cleanser.

Coral was looking around the plane; she felt insecure being surrounded by fitties. As she continued to scan the space, she noticed an olive skinned boy staring at her. His brown eyes focused on her hazel ones. He ran his fingers through already tousled chestnut hair.
Coral started to feel awkward, so she quickly looked down and started to act like she was reading Elie's book over his shoulder. After a long while she drifted off into a light sleep.

Coral woke up to a flight attendant's voice crackling over the loud speaker. She was saying something about going through turbulence and to stay calm. There was a dramatic pause; the flight attendant continued, "I'm sorry to inform you all that we will be performing a emergency crash landing." Right then, Coral paused.. She felt numb and couldn't do anything but repeat the attendants words through her head.

Lighting struck the left wing, causing it to catch fire and the plane lost all engines on the left side. Coral panicked, watching it all happen like an out of body experience. Oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling and Coral is sure they were told instructions on what to do and how to put them on. She couldn't focus though. Her brain froze, all she could say was, "Oh piss.."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey guys, hope you enjoy. This is my (our) first book. Dordy_bomb, Dordy_bumz and I ( Dordy_DaBomb)
We put this collab together. If you could ~vote~ and share it'd be much appreciated. also guys please don't be afraid to tell us what you feel. Comment!!! (: (: ;) ;) thanks all~ 💙💓💙💓💁💁💁💁

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