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ok, first things first: smut warning lol. second, longest chapter in the whole story, so how interesting :)))))))))) pls vote and comment and whatever. enjoyyy


Stars had yet to dot the sky, but the coldness was getting unbearable. Harry's stomach was no longer enough to keep Jane's body warm and the light snores from him made her wonder how he could sleep in the below freezing weather. She woke Harry with a kiss and a shove, telling him that she was cold. He hadn't slept for long, but it was enough to wake him up. Or, rather, maybe it was the snow and brisk air that opened his eyes and alerted his brain.

They didn't touch each other on their walk back to the car, but Jane craved for the warmth that the heater of his truck couldn't give her. She wanted warmth that not even the right hand, her least favorite, could give her, even when it was placed on her left thigh. She wanted Harry. Their hour long drive was spent with chattering teeth that slowly stopped chattering with the increasing heat in the car.

Harry took a wrong turn, passing both Jane and his own homes. Jane became utterly confused but stuck with his unknown plan. They pull up in front of the library at ten o'clock. The doors were locked, but Harry looked over at Jane. "Are you asking me to risk my job so we can sneak into a library?"

"Why not?"

"Why yes?"

"Because I asked you to."

"I'm not your bitch, Harry."

"Exactly. You are my girlfriend and I am therefore asking you to risk your job so we can get in," he argued. Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Jane shook off the word and went back to the car to get her purse and the keys. "They just let you keep the keys to one of the most famous libraries in all of New York in your purse?"

"Shut the fuck up, Harry." She opened the back door and guided Harry through the maze of bookshelves and to a part where, if they turned on the lights, no one would see them from the outside. Harry walked over to the other side of the library and somehow managed to find the lights for the back corner. They were dim, but helped with seeing. "Now, what are we doing here?"

Harry shrugged and sat on the floor. Jane sighed and leaned against his back. Sitting back to back, they somehow managed to share breathing patterns until Harry thought it would be funny to inhale when she exhaled and vise-versa. "What do you get when you cross an owl and a rooster?" Jane had become accustomed to Harry's bad jokes and normally knew the answer to most of them. This one, she didn't, so she shrugged. "A cock that stays up all night."


"Not my name."

"Harold, that was a terrible joke."

Harry shrugged against her. They continued to breathe on each other until Harry spoke up again. "You know I've been going easy on you, right?" Jane's face laced with confusion until she asked what he meant. "Sex, I'm talking about sex, Jane. I've been going exceptionally easy on you." She turned around suddenly, causing Harry to slightly stumble backwards and turn to look into her eyes.

Jane's eyes squinted at his. He'd officially called himself drowning in her blue eyes. They looked more blue that night in December. They looked more blue than he'd ever seen them. "Show me what you've got."

Harry grinned, not really expecting Jane to take him seriously, but then again, when has she not? His hand cupped her face and the pad of his thumb swiped her bottom lip before pulling it down slowly. "I would technically still be taking it easy on you, even if we go through with what I want to do so badly with you." Harry released her lip before kissing the corner of her mouth. Jane took quiet breaths, but because the library was barren, he could hear the shakiness within it.

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