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For the second time in nearly two weeks, Jane had slammed the door in Harry’s face, but not before taking the present from him. Behind the door, he smirked and shook his head at her stubbornness, then disappeared in the elevator with his hands securely tucked in his pockets. In a way, Jane was somewhat giddy that Harry thought to get her something while they were ignoring each other. In truth, Harry had done nothing wrong to deserve to be ignored, and Jane knew this. She just simply didn’t particularly think she liked Harry the way he seemed to like her.

Her coat was hung on the coat rack and for a second time since she’d met Harry, her night was thrown off because of him. This time, she didn’t seem to mind much since she could at least open it while watching television. She set the box to the side and on the dining room table while she went to get ready for TV and bed. Her hair was pulled into a loose ponytail while she took off her makeup and washed her face. Her breath tasted like mint and the gym shorts she wore as pajamas, because frankly she didn’t go to the gym much anymore, were comfortable.

She decided against wearing a tank top with the shorts because it was already cold. So, a sweatshirt would do. The team was of a football team only her father liked, which reminded her that she hadn’t spoken to her parents in a very long time. A mental note was made to call her parents after opening Harry’s present. When she returned to the dining room, the box was still there and awaiting unwrapping. He used, of course, burgundy colored wrapping paper which made the corners of Jane’s lips to twitch upward.

Once opening the box and emptying the contents, she instantly became enraged once again. His own book? He gave me his own book. Jane knew Harry was overly proud of this disgrace of a book, but gifting it to her? That was a whole new level. She sighed and walked over to the couch, but the book was still on her mind. Friends played in the background, but she kept tapping her fingernail against her front tooth in frustration. In a way, she was wondering if she was under or overestimating Harry.

Had he hidden something within the cover? Was he smart enough to even think of that? There was only one to find out. Jane’s legs carried her back to the dining room table and the book stared up at her. Her fingers grazed the smooth and laminated cover before opening the hard copy. And, there it was. Harry’s perfect handwriting; sloppily amazing, it had writer material. I know you hate my book, and I’m actually starting to, too. I wanted to see if you would take a journey into the already discovered in search of something new. And you found something, this note. Meet me at Central Park at nine thirty. -H.

Now this, this made Jane smile. Then, she realized she had to redress herself. Not by much, only pulling on jeans after removing her shorts and keeping her sweatshirt on. It wasn’t cold enough for a winter jacket for the day. In fact, for mid November, it was quite warm at fifty-four degrees. She decided that her sweatshirt was enough and turned off the TV. She’d forgotten to call her parents and walked out of the house. She was sure that she’d missed whatever bus could get her to Central Park, so she was lucky that it wasn’t that far of a walk.

The streets were still somewhat busy and it made Jane feel better, though she found herself liking walking the streets with Harry because she felt safer. His arms are large and the tattoos that she had yet to see could intimidate, probably. Harry had a face that could scare, but also enjoy. He, too, was a puzzle, but with a lot less pieces than Jane Bradley: The Million and One Piece Puzzle. Jane’s walk was only twenty minutes and she checked the time on her phone. She was late, a minute late. She hated being late.

She thought Harry had left, or maybe not even shown up, knowing that Jane probably wouldn’t either. And it wasn’t until she saw a brown jacket and a mess of curls did she find hope in what character Harry had left. He turned his head and blew his breath into his hands. His eyes rested on Jane who was already walking his way with a deep stare. “I see the magical Jane appears,” his voice was overused and was beginning to lose its normal flow. Jane guessed he’d been yelling previously.

“I decided not to judge a book by its cover.”

He half smiled and looked down at her attire. “Are you not cold?”

“It’s not bad out here, Gatsby.”

He raised his eyebrow and smiled all the way. “Gatsby? Since when have I had an unrequited love?”

“You don’t. At least, I don’t believe. Do you love anyone, Harry?” He shook his head. “Then you don’t have an unrequited love. It’s just your contact name in my phone.” He asked if she was serious as they sat on a bench. “Well, of course. The only reason I started talking to you after the late night drinking was because of our disagreement over Gatsby.”

Harry nodded. “Yours is Burgundy. I suppose that’s good enough.” Harry looked ahead while the conversation died and sighed. Then, he remembered the thing in his pocket. He pulled it out, wrapped in red foil and still in perfect condition. Jane looked over at his hand. A Hershey’s kiss laid in his left hand, the one she liked because it had the cross tattoo and he used it to drive when he fought the urge to place his right on her thigh. “I was wondering if you would reject this kiss, too.”

Jane smiled shyly and took it from his hand, unwrapping it, and putting it on her tongue, closing her mouth. It tasted like milk chocolate, her favorite. She liked it. Relief rushed over Harry’s features. He wasn’t sure what her reaction would would be. He was afraid she would leave, yell at him for bringing the kiss up, or just ignore it. But she ate it. And, in that moment, they were okay again. Jane looked over at Harry once the chocolate had dissolved in her mouth.

He look peaceful. “I had to guess on what you would like. Apparently I have the task to do that.”

“You’re right.” Jane was in the process of biting the inside of her cheek, but Harry placed his hand over it, shaking his head.

“That’s a bad habit.”

She shrugged. His hand didn’t move, nor did she ask him to move it. They had another staring contest. There wasn’t lust that was being connected, but rather want. Harry looked at Jane like an expensive car, but knew she was a lot more valuable. Jane swallowed. She wasn’t going to lean in, the real question was that if Harry leaned in, would she let him kiss her this time? Yes. Yes, she would. And then their lips brushed and finally overtook each other in a fighting dictatorship.

Her lips tasted of mint and chocolate, Harry’s tasted of plain spearmint. And with the mixes coming together, they were more than okay.


probably gonna double update bc this was super short lol

bUT jarry/hane kiss ♥

i have a headache, ew

sO many people at my school know about my account and i wanna crawl in a hole, help

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